Got 10" here in NH, but it was light, fluffy stuff .... easy to move. Cleanup wasn't bad at all. Thank you for keeping most of it down there!!Just finished cleaning outside, merely 3 hours..!!! and that is 3 people using shovels and a snow blower...
I've been in a lot of NM or so i thought, , but you are so right, that is so beautiful,,,,Thinking about Spring time today was we will hit about 57 for the afternoon high.
This is Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks. Only about 15 miles as the crow fly's from my house but it takes about 90mins to drive there as you have to make a large circle around and drive half way to ABQ then head back in towards us. This is a hidden gem in Northern NM.
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Here's the picture my wife took last week, after the 2, well maybe 3 inches we had. She had great fun, digging her nose into the snow and flipping it all over herself and then letting me throw the shovelfuls over her.
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She sure is cute but I can't help but see a Golden saying somebody help! I am trapped inside a GD poodles body! LOL
I get that. I do love her, she is certainly the sweetest, most loving dog I have ever had. But I miss my Golden Retrievers. SWMBO said she couldn't stand the sweeping up a puppy once a week from the Golden Retrievers we have had. This one, since she is a odd mix (daddy is a goldendoodle, mama is a golden Retriver), sheds some, but we only get a very small puppy once a month or so.
We feel the pain..........
This is what we get each week.
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We call them GMF's or Golden Magical Fibers......![]()
Looks like Coco was a big help!
hum,, try a lab, told my mom and brother the next time they bring me a rescue dog, we were going fishing, well i would be, they would be the stink bait for catfishing, it'd been 40 years since I'd had a lab,,, now i remember why,,, but a year and a half ago when they brought me a emaciated bag of puppy bones, looked about 6 months old, she could barley stand, 18 month later , now she's to lazy and fat to do much standing, wouldn't take a million for her, but you could not run fast enough to give me another one, i keep hoping she'll learn to cook for herself, but oddly enough she was house broke, leash broke, and knew what no meant,,,And every person I know who owns Goldens has a good vacuum cleaner. I see you have the same Dyson I have. GMF's, yeah. good name.
Is that a face I see?Just shot this off the back deck.
I guess the endangered great sperm clouds are thriving off the coast of cottonwood after all.
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that is gorgeousIt's just an ancient dead volcano. It just like "Devils Tower" in WY that was made famous in the movie "Close Encounters"
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