I bet you can beat that Paul Goodloe guy all to pieces. He was head forecaster on one of the TV stations in the St Louis area for about a year in the 90s. He was terrible and left very quickly.
The TV weather people here oversell bad weather to the max, and I don't wish to live my life in the state of constant weather fear that people in this region generally do, so I over the years I have become a weather geek. People here just lose their minds in all the hype, really.
I have my own PWS (readings here:
Personal Weather Station Dashboard | Weather Underground) and I look at a lot of weather models when bad weather is supposed to come, then I make my own forecasts. In the past 10 days, the local weather people and the NWS locally have TWICE been horribly wrong for our specific area. In both instances, I predicted the bad storms would be to our south, and that's what happened.
LOL, I once had a friend here from South Dakota and the TV started going off about severe storms and tornados on the way.
He said, "Where are we going? Where is a shelter???"
"Don't worry about it," I said.
"Where I live, if they say that, bad storms are coming."
"Not here."
It rained with mild thunder and lightning that day. No wind.
Generally, TWC people I have dealt with are cool. I have had a few experiences with them coming to the university. Here's Mike Bettis fooling around with a UAH Charger mascot doll at a shoot once.