What is the ending Sg on that scuppernong, looks great.
Thanks but hell, I dunno!

For real. I'm just so comfortable with making wine now, I just go with it. I generally take a SSG to be sure there's enough "go" in there, and then just let 'er rip. All-juice is the key.
This one bulk aged for 4 months, then went into the fridge to precipitate out the diamonds, then was racked cold and allowed to warm back up. I added 1 cup sugar and 1 teaspoon acid blend to each carboy (with k meta) and let it sit for a week before bottling. I wound up with 9-3/4 gallons (one of my carboys is small!).
Wonderful nose, milder than other scuppernongs I have made. The Fry is a milder grape. What that does is, you drink along on one glass, then it leaves you with a nagging desire for the second, then the third - and pretty soon you are drunk!
But then, you know me, man. My wines aren't for food pairing and etc. They are all drinkers' wines. I had such a waiting list of pent-up demand, a third of this is already passed on to others. LOL - I kid you not, I got an email from Louisiana yesterday wanting to know when I was sending more wine.