Belated Valentines day gift from the wifey. A couple of years ago we had a Walnut tree removed and a co-worker of my wife, who does lot's of wood working (Bryan) sent a truck to pick up the tree trunk to take to a local mill to have processed (the lower 20 ft was incredibly straight w/o any side branches as they would have stuck into the front porch or blocked my wife's view when she studied on the front porch).
Anyhow, he made a cutting board, 22 x 18, to fit over part of the sink where I form my beloved pizza crusts each week. The old board had cracks in it that allowed some bench flour to become sink flour (add some moisture and instant concrete is formed). Beautiful, heavy, 1 1/2" thick board with stripes of cherry wood and some pine.
Both my wife and I don't want to use it, it's just too nice looking to cut on!
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