Looks like you’re building that deck to last for a very long time. Better than most contractors would produce.Putting up posts with wire filler. Can't hardly see it here. Had seven hours in it today and was intent on finishing the side but the long 1/2" H-D Diablo brand drill bit quit after THREE holes. Utter junk. Have to go get a real bit somewhere. The only Diablo tool I have been happy with is their circular saw blades. Yes, my posts are tied in with 1/2" carriage bolts. They do not wobble.
Everything's all blocked and hurricane tied down. Wifie's summertime plant watering pipe has been installed (see it near the downspout?). So far, I have 8 days in this phase. Once I get both side railings up, then comes the decking, then comes the end posts and wire and woodwork. Pretty exhausted.
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When bottle manufacturers say to not put corks into screwcap bottles because the glass is too thin, not designed for the stress of insertion or exaction, and may shatter? I pay attention to the folks who make stuff.My Grandfather, the ole Italian winemaker from the Old Country via Ellis Island, used to reuse Gallo screw top bottles all the time. Never had an issue. Makes me wonder how much of the cork thing is marketing mixed with a bit of snootery.
When bottle manufacturers say to not put corks into screwcap bottles because the glass is too thin, not designed for the stress of insertion or exaction, and may shatter? I pay attention to the folks who make stuff.
Looks like you’re building that deck to last for a very long time. Better than most contractors would produce.
My Grandfather, the ole Italian winemaker from the Old Country via Ellis Island, used to reuse Gallo screw top bottles all the time. Never had an issue. Makes me wonder how much of the cork thing is marketing mixed with a bit of snootery.Cheers, Grandpa!
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Thanks for clarifying, as your meaning went ZING right over my head!Ummm... Yep, that's why you use the crew caps, NOT CORKS, which is what Grandpa did. I will try to go back and make my OP extremely explicit so everyone understands. I thought the cork comment was enough... apparently not.
From the number of
Thanks for clarifying, as your meaning went ZING right over my head!Text is really tough for clear communication.
I have re-used screwcaps numerous times in the past -- turn the cap down HARD and lay it on its side. If it leaks, transfer the wine to a new bottle and recycle the old one. IME screwcaps can be re-used a number of times, but the seal eventually fails.
I used only screwcaps the first few years -- I purchased a double-lever corker roughly 3 years later.
Just finished with Construction Day 9, and not bad for a day when it was supposed to rain most of the day, lol ... I have a small number of adjustments to make and there is a change work order from the wifie on the height of the railing. The wire height has already been adjusted. I just have to trim the longer posts that were already installed. That can be done anytime, even after decking. So, very close now to the long arduous process of screwing down the decking, something that will take over 950 screws before it is done.
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My ultimate goal is to build a 16x16 screened room onto this end of the deck ... someday ...
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