are ground here in NH. Temps running in the 40's and 50's. Please keep that white stuff there.

are ground here in NH. Temps running in the 40's and 50's. Please keep that white stuff there.
are ground here in NH. Temps running in the 40's and 50's. Please keep that white stuff there.
Kittens are my Achilles heal.
I feed a very feral cat on the deck and a few weeks back she brought her kittens for the free food. Mom has terrible mother instincts - she'd feed them a couple times a day and disappear. Unfortunately one by one they disappeared until only one was left and she didn't know she was supposed to be feral. If I was on the deck she was rubbing against my leg. One chilly morning I found her curled in a corner trying to stay warm. I said "Dammit" and brought her in the house.
"Gypsy" is the newest household member and she sleeps with me every night.
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This our stray, mother abandoned her kittens under an abandoned car.
I love my dog greatly, but sometimes I wish my wife wasn't so allergic to cats. It's a can't breath after being around them for about an hour kinda reaction, so no cats for me.
The day after Thanksgiving, my wife said: Let's watch a Christmas movie. Her choice Die Hard. Love that woman!
Wouff Hong? for those that know.