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Here's my GAR. Having a hard time choosing between it and Dave's dragons blood for these summer days. A good problem to have!!

Here's my first batch of SP! I got 2 cases from the batch. 8 @ 20 oz. and 40 @ 12 oz. My LHBS had the patriotic bottle caps so I gave them a shot. First time at bottling caps. Lotsa firsts!

Joe R.


Rocky said:
Very creative label, Hayleigh. Good work.

Thank you! Hayleigh is actually my daughters name, I am still trying to find a good name for my wines haha.
Cool label! I bet after a bottle of this, looking at the label will play real mind games. I think I've seen this pattern at a psychologists office, when they asked me what do I see! If asked again, I can now say Cabernet Sauvignon.
Cool label! I bet after a bottle of this, looking at the label will play real mind games. I think I've seen this pattern at a psychologists office, when they asked me what do I see! If asked again, I can now say Cabernet Sauvignon.
Thanks Bob. I'm sorry I didn't consider the mental health of my customers when I created bad. :)
I really like the color choices.... it contrasts nicely and stands out against the blush color of the wine.

Thanks. I made it but my wife is the AHJ. Lol (AHJ= authority having jurisdiction. ).

Next one is my new strawberry. I'll post it after bottling.
Having started 30 lbs of frozen blueberries, and trying to stick with my " leave it alone before you mess it up" philosophy, I had to do something to keep me out of the primary so I made the label. Keep in mind it's preliminary and the text centering/sizing is a bit off but for a rough draft I'm happy.

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