potassium sorbate

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Dec 18, 2008
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Can I add this after racking, I believe the wine has stabilized since the sg has not moved. I checked it today after racking over fri. and adding the fining agents and it looks and tastes great, but was alittle worried about bottling it on the 4th of may. Do I need to add some now or just take my chances. thanks LA-BOY. ALSO the 4th of may will be right at 32 days past the primary ferm.
It is generally good to add the sorbate before bottling. Are you planning on bottling this wine right away?

- Jim
I only add sorbate if I am sweetening the wine prior to bottling. K-meta addition is essential at bottling even if you do not plan to sweeten.
The wine is sweetened to my taste so I do not need to make it any sweeter, I plan on bottling it around may 4/5th . When do I need to put the k+ sorbate in. The bottle says only 1/4 tsp per gallon. I have 5 gallons so thats 2 1/4 tsp right. thanks la-boy
.25x5=1.25 or One and a quarter teaspoons if it really says 1/4 tsp per gallon. Normally it is 1/2 teaspoon per gallon which would be the 2.5 tsp.
If you have sweetened it then you better get the sorbate in there now. it should have been in there before sweetening! Have you added sulfites since fermentation has finished cause if not that should be added also and before the sorbate.
I did not have to sweeten it, it was already sweet enough with just the sugar from the recipe. I was just concerned about bottling it too soon. The recipe says I can do it within a month, anyway, What do sulfites do, I am starting to look like a chemist with all of the bottles of stuff. thanks la-boy
Sulfites inhibit bacteria and yeast growth, as well as slow down oxidation.
La-Boy, I would be concerned that the wine may start fermenting again so I would wait a bit before bottling just to make sure. I have not had to deal with bottle bombs and would not like trying to explain to my husband why our carpet has changed colors.....
Also take the time and read the articles posted here: http://www.finevinewines.com/Wine-Kit-Articles.htm they may help you learn more about your new obsession, er.. hobby.
what are sulfities are they bottled as their name says. I have quite a few bottles of additives, I'm just wondering if I may already have them. I will wait to bottle another 2 weeks to make sure the second. ferm is completely done. I did add another 1.25 tsp's of k+ meta to my 5 gallon batch after reading to put 1/2 tsp per gal instead of the 1/4 tsp/galfrom the recipe. thanks for the wise guidance, LA-BOY...........
K-meta, campden tablets and Na-meta are all sulfites so you are good there. K- meta stands for Potassium metabisulfite as Na stands for Sodium and campden tablets can be either one of these pressed into a tablet.
Thanks for the clarification I should be ok, as I put 3 crushed campden tabs diluted right after I racked, then a week later I put 2.25 tsp ofdiluted potass/meta/bisul, then tonight I added 1/4 tsp of the K-meta. I plan on bottling around the 5-6-7 of may. Thanks for the help. I also started my blackberry yesterday and it already smells good. the sg was a perfect 1.100. la-boy
Just remember,Campden tablets,Potassium metabisulfite and Kmet are the same thing. Usually 1/4 tsp to 5 gallons of wine at every other racking is sufficiant. I rack about every 6-8 weeks.

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