Prayers For My Darling

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Been right here with herall day, she is resting right now. I took a moment to pen a quick poem of the event for her:

I heard satan's laughter, loud and shrill
as the rubber on the tire blew off the wheel.
"Another victory" he screamed with glee.
"Roll on God Dammit, Hit those trees."
But God told satan, "It's not in my plan"
As the Angel God had sent, stretched forth his hand,
and stopped the momentum of the van.
I have more for her to do here in this life
As a Mother, as a Daughter, as a Friend, as a Wife.
Yes, satan, you did bruise my child.
But she will even use that to reveal your wiles.
Her testimony will be heard, far and wide
Of how you attempted to take her life.
She will sing praises of My saving grace
And you'll just look ridiculous
standing there,
with dirt and glass all over your face.
by.....Walter James
Amen Waldo, Amen

Get that good woman a glass of tea now would you please and tell her I said hello.
So glad to hear that your wife is OK. I'll just call her the healed of the Lord.
Waldo, I just read that poem to my wife. You freaking amaze me. I wish I had half your talents. You bake, write stories, write poems, play Santa, make wine, and has a wife who defies death! What did I miss? You da man!!!!! If your wife is anything like you she'll be up and around in no time! Oh Yeah, camp and fish also.
Wow, so glad to here she is in such good shape after something like that!! Been in a few wrecks like that and its amazing what our bodies can endure! My prayers are with you two so that no other injuries start to show their ugly heads.
Waldo, be sure to use lots of ice on her bumps and bruises. twenty minutes on, then twenty minutes off, then twenty minutes on, to reduce pain, and to head off some of the stiffness. It is BEST when you can get it on within 5 minutes of the injury, but as soon as possible still helps. Most of the damage is done by the blood that leaks into the bruise, so the localized cold reduces leaking and speeds healing. Also, ice packs don't interact or conflict with many of the prescription drugs now on the market. As long as you stick to not over 20 minutes on, and at least 20 minutes off, you won't overdose it.

I have had tires go flat while driving over a nail, and had one lose 75% of the tread at 65 mph on Interstate 35, but never flipped one. My compliments to her "traffic angels" for protecting her during the roll over.

Great work on the poem too. I love poetry, and that is awesome.
Waldo and Kat

I am glad that the Lord looks after us. He certainly was holding her in his arms during that crazy time. Kat, you are on our prayer chain and we will be watching your speedy recovery.

Thanx again for your hospitality when we visited last month. We certainly enjoyed our time together. Hope you have tried some of the wine and it was ok.

Went up to the Hill House Vineyard today and everything looks good - time for an application of sulfur and fertilizer - I'll post pictures later.

Take care of Kat and yourself - remember Tony is close.


Amazing anyone could walk away from that, take good care of her Waldo, shes the most important thing you have.
Thoughts and prayers are with her for a speedy recovery! Wow, she must have had a whole team of angels watching!
Waldo, I'm sorry to hear about Kat's misfortune. I was out of town and out of touch as my son was having prostate surgery. We are certainly very sorry about the accident but happy that the Lord was watching over her. The pictures tell the story! You are an amazing couple!!
Waldo, noticed in that last set of pics that the airbag never went off. Guess it never triggered because there was no front impact, but it seems strange especially rolling it.
She is a lucky lady, to be alive and to have someone that loves her like you do! Hope she is doing better.
dragonmaster42 said:
Waldo, noticed in that last set of pics that the airbag never went off. Guess it never triggered because there was no front impact, but it seems strange especially rolling it.

I thought the same thing Tony and it may be that it was best that they did not deploy.

Anyway, I found her another Montana online in Claremore, Oklahoma. Isealed the deal over the phone on friday morning, flew to Tulsa fiday evening late he picked up at my motel around 10am saturday and I drove it back home yesterday. I was wiped out when I got back and just crashed and did not move until this morning. Anyway, Ms Kathy has her another Montana now

Waldo, Waldo, Waldo.....Wasn't one crash enough excitement for one week :) How is the Mrs doing today? I hope she gets to enjoy the holiday and some company. Nice looking vehicle you got there.
Is it the same or newer, less or more mileage? Sure looks real nice in the pic!
runningwolf said:
Waldo, Waldo, Waldo.....Wasn't one crash enough excitement for one week :) How is the Mrs doing today? I hope she gets to enjoy the holiday and some company. Nice looking vehicle you got there.

Thanks runningwolf..She continues to improve, finding new bruises and sore spots every day too. We had a pretty fair crowd of family and friends over yesterday. I grilled some burgers and dogs and made a big pot of baked beans and we all just pigged out
wade said:
Is it the same or newer, less or more mileage? Sure looks real nice in the pic!

Thanks wade
The one she totaled was a 2001 model with 132,000 miles. We had purchased it used in 2002 and it had like 22,000 miles on it then. This one is a 2002 model and has a 104,000 miles on it. It is in great shape and the best part is the insurance settlement on the old one was enough to cover the purchase of this one so it is paid for and we still have no car payments to make.
She is doing better uavmmn. Still lots of bruising but getting getter each day.

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