Question about the use of Potassium sorbate in wine used to top off a new batch

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Jun 27, 2024
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I recently made my first batch, 5 gallons of Peach Wine. Primary fermentation for 2 weeks, then transferred to a carboy for a month. I had to back sweeten it so I also added the Potassium Sorbate before bottling to ensure fermenting has ceased. It turned out great and I'm happy with the result, so naturally I've made some more and ready for the second batch to go into the secondary 6.5 gallon carboy. Now that I have the same wine on hand I'd like to top off the carboy this time. Previously I just left all that space in this carboy, as again I had 5 gallons of wine in a 6.5 gallon carboy. So, if I was to do this I'd be topping it off with wine that has that Potassium Sorbate in it, will this interfere with the secondary fermantation phase? I hope ive explained this clearly and would appreciate some help
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A few interpretations to where you are in the process: * Sorbate is birth control for yeast/ fungi. Sorbate does not kill yeast that are there. * Yeast will be actively dividing from starting gravity to 1/3 sugar reduction. (approx 1.090 to 1.050). * Below 1/3 sugar existing yeast are working. They will be removing sugar and creating alcohol and CO2. * Your wine is in a situation where yeast are not actively dividing, therefore adding sorbate will have no effect on the existing yeast. * K sorbate is effective at a defined concentration. Adding a bottle with sorbate will not get you into the level where it is effective, therefore sorbate will have no effect on existing yeast.

I assume you are below 0.997 gravity. Technically you aren’t making any or significant alcohol. This is a clearing process, not a secondary fermentation process.

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