I picked up a 6gal bucket of Zinfandel juice on 9/26. Let it sit overnight to allow the temperature come up, and measured the SG the next day. I measured 1.090. I rehydrated the yeast the next day using Go-Ferm and followed the instructions from MoreWine on adding the yeast mixture to the juice. On 10/2 i checked the SG again and thought I read 1.005 which I thought was too low for such a short fermentation time, but hey, I'm pretty new at this stuff. Racked to a carboy on 10/4. Airlock bung would not stay in place as the pressure kept pushing it out. This has happened before so I was not too concerned. On 10/15 I noticed the pressure had pushed to bung out to the point where the airlock was still on the carboy but listing to one side. Gave the bung a hard push and this time it stayed in place. Level on one side of the airlock was very close to the top but never went over. The liquid levels in the airlock have stayed that way until today before I took another SG measurement(10/27). Today the SG was 0.996 and when I replaced to bung the airlock still showed significant pressure differential but not quite to the same degree as before measuriing. Thinking back to the 1.005 measurement, and studying the hydrometer more closely, I believe the actual number was 1.050on 10/2. This is the first batch in which I used a hydrometer. Like I said I am still on the steep part of the learning curve. There were also circles on the top of the juice and I have attached a picture. I believe they were just large bubbles as they disappered after testing with the hydrometer. My plan is to let this go another 2 months than rack to another carboy. Should I do that sooner? Any other thoughts or advice? Thanks.