Recycled Bottles

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Senior Member
Aug 25, 2011
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Has anyone gotten bottles from a recycling center before? Someone mentioned it to me awhile back..i stopped by one today and scored 45 nice bottles.. easy to get too..and the price was great.. free.. but something about it seems off.. I have reduced myself to the equivilant of a dumpster diver.. LOL with mixed feelings i am going to check by Monday pm..might get enough to bottle everything thats ready..

I tried Craigslist..notta
local resturants are not cooperating
so either this or new ones.. I'm losing my mind right??
Bob, I contacted a local restaurant/bar, and they were agreeable to let me pick up and toat off their empty wine bottles. For a while I stopped by and picked them up. I have several cases that I've yet to get to. This method brought in several very interesting bottles that I otherwise might not have gotten.

On this same note, I've found champagne bottles work great for bottling beer. American champagne takes the same sized cap as the standard US beer cap. If you have European bottles, caps are avalable for these as well.


i have tried resturants... but the 2 that would save their bottles for me closed.. and the others i've had mixed results from.. most don't want the seems..i'll get what they have at the moment.. but as for saving them.. and then only saving cork style.. no luck
I get 95% of my bottles from the recycling depot. I ask them for whatever color I'm after and if they don't have them, they will set some aside for me for next time. The best time to go is December/Jan. The Hotels and convention centers have all the Christmas parties and you will have no problem getting a few cases of all the same brand of bottle. You are getting a better deal however, they are charging me $5 a case!
Bobp, I have had the best luck from friends and neighbors. Local bars and restaurants are not as reliable but I have had success by slipping the bartender or the waitresses $5 per case of bottles (Bordeaux only). I have never tried the re-cycling center, but I understand that works very well around here. There are several guys who get them there and they are pleased with the results. Don't think of it as "dumpster diving", think of it as "re-cycling" or "saving Mother Earth."
I have had the same mixed luck as others. Most restaurants don't get it that you want 10 cases of cork finish bottles, you just get to pick up their junk. You have to be grateful and sort out the junk at home. What I did is get enough green bordeaux style bottles from them and then I bought a few cases of clear bordeaux bottles for about a buck apiece to do that bottling. You can't order them through the mail, the freight will kill you. We don't have recycling centers near us as it is all curbside pickup and I am not going diving. Hope to get a good float going and then ask friends to just give them back!
In my early days, That is exactly what I did (get bottles from a recycling center). After a while, and the number of bottles I make shot up, I found it too much of a pain in the --- to scrapes off all of those labels. Now, I simply bite the bullet and buy new.

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