what about those dam ol' plastic lables that Hazzlit (Red Cat) uses? those things give me the blues! and its all my friends drink, so i'm stuck with using acetone to get the glue offany other suggestions guys?
I remove most of the label that will come off after soaking in hot water. Then the left over glue I spray with Goo-Gone and wipe off. Then I wash the bottles so there isnt any residue left.
i HATE them dam Red Cat lables!!! i'll try the Goo Gone next time.Being from NY I know what you mean by a Red Cat label. I just did a couple of them last week. I soak them in hot water for an hour then pick at a corner to peel off the label. Then I use Goo-Gone to clean off the glue residue. I havn't tried it yet but I bet a hair drier or heat gun would loosen the label enough to peel it off.