Reusing K-met

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Sep 30, 2010
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A couple of years ago I read that a good sanatizing solution could be made by mixing 3 tbs. of K-Met in 1 gal. of water. I also read that this solution could be saved and reused as long as it was being stored in a sealed container like a plastic milk jug. Today when I was getting ready to bottle 6 gal. of Plum wine I sanatized 36 bottles and my wife saw me pouring the 2 gal. of K-Met solution I had used back into the milk jugs I had been storing it in. She told me that she didn't believe that the solution should be reused. I did a search of the forum to see if I could find the thread I had read because I wanted to show her that it is OK to reuse sanatizing solution. The search didn't kind anything.

yes you can but I keep mine in a sealed glass jug and only save it about a month or two but I think you can keep it longer I keep a fresh spray bottle also, but recently found that I like star san better it seems to roll off the bottles faster if that makes any sense but to answer your question yes you can but I don't know how long I have read it on this forum you can keep it for months but I think maybe better to be in a glass jug I'm not sure so take this with a grain of salt this is what I found on the matter

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I as many here only use Potassium not Sodium Metabisulfite. I don't like salt on my equipment / bottles.
That being said I use 3 TBLS per gallon. I mix this in a 1 gallon bottle. Use it and then return to the bottle. I can last for months. Also I keep 1 qt of this in a spray bottle for "quick" sanitizing.

Oh, NO rinse.
When I first started in this hobby, I kept my k-meta solution in a plastic milk jug for several months (as I had been told by the LHBS). They said that as long as the smell knocks your head off that its good to go. I made my second batch of k-meta, not because the first didn't smell, but rather that I was down to less than half a gallon in the jug due to spillage etc.

These days I use iodophor, partly because the k-meta smell was so annoying (especially in the winter months with windows closed in good old cold Regina Saskatchewan).
