REVIEW: *allinonewinepump*

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I got in my AIOWP the other day I still got to fix things up like leveling my table and setting up where my filter will mount. I can see from the get go this will make it a heck alot easier than the way I was doing it before.
Now to show a few pics of how I am doing my filter. I got the filter housing as recommended by Steve. First thing I did was to tap the four holes on the white part of the filter housing 10/24 about 1" deep. The holes that are there were tapped with no problems. I then cut 2 ss 10/24 bolts to make 2 studs 1.25" long. I screwd in the studs 3/4"into the housing. Now I can remove the complete filter housing for cleaning. i have hex nuts on it now but will use wing nuts.
i will try just using 2 studs for now.

Then I tapped the inside of the housing with 1/2 ntpIt did tap but I found the material to be a little thin and tap had a tendecy to cock a little and push out on the walls.Just go slow and work your tap back out and in to clear rhe plastic shavings. I also used water to help as a little lube and to help clear out the shavings. Use teflon tape no more than 2 wraps on the treaded 1/2 pipe. screw it in till it bottoms out or buries all the pipe treads.(As a note I allways find people want to wrap too much teflon tape. A lot otf time the tape just bunches up as it is being screwed in. The tape acts as a lubricant and does seal on the taper treads.)
this was a 12" pvc pipe got at HD by the lawn watering system section. I cut it down to 8.5"


Now this last pic shows how the pipe sits in the housing without a filter.
As you can see it is a little cocked but it does not interfer when putting on a filter.
I wanted a 1/2" clearance from the bottom of the pipe to the top of the clear plastic filter holder . I ended up with 3/4" instead.


I hope you understand what I did which is not much more than whats all ready being done.
All so my local wine/beer making store had 1 micron filters that fit my housing for $2.69 . It is what the beer makers are filtering their beer with. Next time I go I will pick up acouple to try out. I plan on ditching the filter after each use.
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A queston to Steve or Runningwolf about filtering and bottling at the same time. Why would it not work? The only thing I see is that it may not want to gravity flow backwards thru the filter.
If that is the case I may add a pushbotton bypass valve around the filter. But now I will be making more things complicated. I guess I will stick with filter into clean carboy then fill bottles from carboy.
I would not filter and bottle at the same time because the pressure will be constantly changing up and down as you fill each bottle. Also, during bottling you have less vacuum (a slight bleed hole in the filler) so the bottle fills at a rate that is not too fast. This would make filtering more difficult. You want constant steady vacuum to pull the wine through the filter.
Well you both are absolutely correct !! I would recommend filtering the same time that you would typically do your transfer prior to bottling, then you would be ready to bottle at any given time. Another point that Dan mentioned - by filtering the whole batch you would have more consisentant levels of So2 throughout your bottles also.
Not to mention that if your filtering and make a mistake and stir it up bad you will clog the filter possibly or just not filter as good if it gets stirred up bad and if you have say 10 bottles full already then youll have to dump back in so that you will have your carboy full still.
I will add that I was planning on building a vacuum and filtering system myself. Then I started looking around for vacuum pumps and realized that the allinone price, complete with hoses and the right bungs, etc., was cheaper than nearly every used pump of dubious working condition I could find on ebay.

As someone who used to sell the pumps and everything to use it for winemaking on this site for you guys and myself I can tell you the above post is dead on!!! Can it be done under that price, maybe if your very lucky and want to wait and wait and watch ebay forever but you still have to search around for the bungs, special hoses that dont collapse under vacuum, special fittings from vacuum pump to hoses, and so on. I had to do a LOT of legwork to pull it all together and be able to sell it to you guys at a price that wouldnt shock your socks off!!!!! I also had to buy a lot of stuff in bulk to do that also!! When I heard of this set up from someone on this site I immediately contacted Steve to ask if he was interested in advertising and selling his product here and that was basically the end of me struggling. Did I make some money, yes. Was the end result a good product, yes. Was it a nice little package, no!!! It was a much bigger set up and not 1 pce that takes up very little room.
Thanks for taking the time and explaining how to add the piece of pipe down the middle of the housing with pictures and all. I know I talked about it briefely in the past on how to - but you made it soo much easier for someone else to duplicate. I also like the idea of the threadded rod as well !!
I was trying to purchase the pentek filter equipment online, but it is saying that this type of filter housing and assembly has been discontinued. Does anyone know of any alternative of this filter?
Pumpkinman on 12-20 -2012
Mentioned on this thread about an alternative for purchasing filter supplies
I believe it was water filter fast - same part numbers - I hope this helps
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Thanks. I will try looking it up. All the searches I've done have came up empty handed unless you buy them by the case. Last look up said they were discontinued. I hope not.
Thanks. I will try looking it up. All the searches I've done have came up empty handed unless you buy them by the case. Last look up said they were discontinued. I hope not.

Here I just googled it and came up with several solutions -

I would still call filterfast and ask - I noticed that on their website it was
out of stock - not discontinued , so that means that they will restock soon .
Hi all, Been reading a lot and learning a lot more. First post, first kit so be gentle! I am making a Wine Expert White Merlot kit. I am currently 5 days into 10-day Step 2 – Secondary Fermentation (sound similar to a 12-step program ;). Step 3 – Stabilizing & Clearing states that “trapped gas in the wine will prevent clearing”. I plan to use the AIOWP for racking and degassing. I’m told that racking with a vacuum pump 3 times will completely degas the wine.

My question is for this White Merlot kit with the F-pack, what should the proper steps or process be to stabilize, clear, and degas using the vacuum pump? I understand the WE kits require the sediment in solution to clear properly because of the clarifying agent.

Should I:
1. Stir the wine (SG<0.996) with a drill/whip, then vacuum rack/transfer 100% of stirred wine and sediment before adding package #3 K-metabisulphite and package #4 K-sorbate; stir 2 minutes; and then add F-pack/stir; and #5 clarifier (Isinglass); and then stir 2 minutes? OR
2. Add #3 metabisulphite and #4 sorbate, then Stir the wine (SG<0.996) with a drill/whip for 2 minutes, then add F-pack and stir 60 seconds, and then #5 clarifier, stir for 2 minutes and finally vacuum rack to degas? OR
3. Some other combination of steps?

Just trying to use the vacuum pump to rack/transfer to ensure complete degassing.

Here is the response I received from Wine Expert Customer Service!
Thank you for your contact. I have no information on Degassing with a Vacuum system. If you use a vacuum degassing system on our kits, Winexpert will not warrant them against failure, nor will we be able to replace failed kits.

You should be able to fully de-gas a kit on fining and stabilising day with a proper wine whip in less than two minutes of processing, from beginning to end. But this is only possible if you have

1) Pitched the yeast when the kit was 75F (24C) or above (up to 79F/26C is fine) - I pitched at 75*!
2) Maintained the temperature of the must at 75F (24C) from start to bottling." I have a constant 73-74* wine temp!

What is the best practice with these kits and the AIOWP? Please help!
Well, I don't make kits but I don't think there is any need for the wine whip if you are doing vacuum racking. That should eventually take care of any gas over the course of a few rankings.

By the way, are you the same JetJockey from Canada who I came to know several years ago on iChat?
Thanks for the reply! I flew several trips weekly to Canada, but never was on iChat. I'm from central PA.
I am no expert when it comes to doing kits - but it seem pretty straight foward. If I am wrong I hope someone will point it out.

First I would start a transfer while you vacuum splash and at approx 1/3 full in the receiving carboy - stop - add all your ingredients
sulfite ,sorbate , and the clarifier and start vacuum racking again, that should stir everything up in the carboy without having to stir it at all.
Just wanted to update that the Pentek casing is back in stock over at Filtersfast for cheaper than I recall. I ended up ordering it from Superwater prior to New Year's and it still has not been shipped to me. I would very much not recommend people use this company if you can help it. I talked to the owner twice now and he whined to me over the phone that he was already selling it cheaper than he should and that he needed to find an affordable way to ship it to me. Very frustrating when this is the only piece I need to get my wine pump set up and going.
just ordered my pump i just can't wait to get my new toy!!!....guess i will just have to give my review once i receive it and finally get to use it the first time.....smilez....
Hallelujah!! I got my allinonewinepump for Christmas, but I neglected to get the additional racking canes until recently. Used it for the first time this weekend and it worked phenomenally. I cannot tell you how happy I am not to have to manually degas my carboys. Manual degassing is by far the worst part of winemaking and it was absolutely a dream to use and clean up was easy.

Next step is to get the pieces for filtering. Wahoo!!

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