REVIEW: *allinonewinepump*

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I've never used a vinebrite but it must be terribly slow. Especially when the filter starts to get filled up with particulates.

Very good observation, Greg. We'll discuss that when I can compare them side-by-side. I don't want to high-jack Steve's thread with a discussion about other filter systems. We could discuss it more in the Vinbrite review thread, if you like.
well i guess it's now time for me to chime in a bit on my experience with the i have already stated, steve's service was impeccable....i ordered my pump on a friday evening, and on wednesday morning, it arrived at my door!!!!....wednesday evening i had my first opportunity to use it, racking my muscat and adding in the stabilizers, f-pack, and clearing was definitely easy to set up, use, and was quite efficient....unfortunately for me though, it still took awhile for me to perform these tasks as my winemaking space in my parents' basement does not have a source for running water, so i am forced to run upstairs, fill a bucket with water and makes a cleaning solution, then fill another bucket for sanitizing, and use the sink for rinsing and can be a bit of a i can't wait til my batches are ready for bottling to see how that part works out as my buon vino auto-filler just doesn't seem to be working properly and i keep having to readjusting the levels in each bottle, but unfortunately it will be awhile before i am ready to bottle as i plan on bulk aging...once again, steve, thank you from another satisfied customer....
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In the past few days, I've racked and filtered several 5 gallon and 8 gallon batches of wine, the pump made it an enjoyable task! I have another batch, and 8 gallon batch of Tropical daze that needs to be racked off the sediment and filtered real soon, instead of dreading the task, I look forward to it!

I've been using the heck out of the pump and haven't had an issue! Soon I'll be bottling again, several batches of Melomel, and beer, if the folks don't realize it, STEVE ALSO SELLS A BEER BOTTLING ATTACHMENT!!!!

Thanks for selling me the spare carboy stopper attachment, I bout a few extra racking canes and now have a separate "set up" for my filter, I don't have to remove a lot of hoses and such, I switched from racking to filtering in no time!

You Rock my friend!

So I have now been using the All in One Pump for about 4 months now. I can honestly say there is not a more important tool in my wine making supplies as this....with the exception of the hydrometer. I have used it for racking, degassing and bottling about a dozen times now and I have had no problems at all. The chore of lifting and moving full carboys was so painful that I was thinking I would have to actually give up making wine because I physically couldn't do it unless there was someone here to help. The AIO has definitely saved me from having to give up something I have come to love to do and knowing my husband is now relieved that I no longer am trying to lift things when he is gone is worth the price tenfold. I just want to say Thank You for making such a gift to the wine making community. To everyone who doesn't have one or is thinking about getting one but are on the fence about it...just do it. After you get it and use it just one time you will wonder why you hesitated at all.

Next step for me is a filtering set up...
Price increase notice

I want to thank everyone on this forum who has supported the All in One Wine Pump. For those of you that have not purchased one yet, I am giving you an opportunity to buy one before a price increase. As some of you know, I have kept the pump at the lowest price possible. Over the past year, the cost of materials has increased and I unfortunately must pass this onto you, the customer. The new price will be $245.00, with free shipping in continental U.S., effective March 1 ,2013. I apologize for any inconvenience. This product will always be held to high quality standards and service and will always be made in the U.S.A..
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Here's my DB quad berry passion, racked and bottled with the allinonepump, I'm still learning and perfecting it so the height of the wine in the bottle is the same, next time hopefully.

Thanks Steve for the continued support...!!


DB Bottled.jpg

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Price increase notice

I want to thank everyone on this forum who has supported the All in One Wine Pump. For those of you that have not purchased one yet, I am giving you an opportunity to buy one before a price increase. As some of you know, I have kept the pump at the lowest price possible. Over the past year, the cost of materials has increased and I unfortunately must pass this onto you, the customer. The new price will be $245.00, with free shipping in continental U.S., effective March 1 ,2013. I apologize for any inconvenience. This product will always be held to high quality standards and service and will always be made in the U.S.A..

Still worth every penny.:br
Steve asked me on the phone the other day just how many gallons of wine I have bottled using the Allinonewinepump. I had to refer to my wine log for the answer. I have used the pump ruthlessly for almost a year and a half now, and have transfered more than 1500 gallons during racking and degassing proceedures. The total finished bottles totals about the same number: around 1500 bottles filled with a single Allinonewinepump.

So, those of you who have recently purchased Steve's pump---or are thinking of taking the plunge---can be assured that the vacuum pump is tough enough for years of labor-free wine making.

Thanks again, Steve!!! :b
I know if your filter gets clogged, it will suck the hose shut.

Now to explain, I am using regular racking hose and apparently its not as strong as the stuff Steve sells. I'm going to order some from him.

I super kleered my apple pie wine, and forgot to rack it off before running it through the filter so this is totally my fault, no problems with the AIO at all.
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I agree, it is worth every penny! I have used the AllInOne so many times, I cannot imagine not having it! Thanks for providing a great product that does the job that you say it will, and then some!
A+++ In my book!!
Thanks Stave!
I know I've posted here before on how much I like my AIO, but tonight brings a whole new meaning to MUST HAVE when it comes to equipment. I am making 10 gallons of welches concord grape. Its been in a better bottle carboy and I decided instead of straining I'd just use the all in one to transfer to a 5 gallon glass carboy. Well 2 hours after transfer I've got at least 1.5 inches of sediment on the bottom of the carboys. Its like it sucked the sediment out and dropped it in the bottom.
Just used mine to degas and rack yesterday. Love it. Highly recommended if you are still deciding!
Just one more note of thanks to Steve for superior product and customer service. I had been using his pump for the past year for bottling, but not to degas my wine. Steve called me up and answered a few questions and my degas was a snap with the pump.

By the way, not only is the pump great for wine, but it's great for beer too. I breeze through the bottling of two cases of beer in no time flat. Awesome.

After watching Steve's video and reading all these posts in this thread, I pulled the trigger & bought the AllInOne. After preparing a clear bottle, then picking up an extra racking cane with sediment filter and an orange silicon? carboy bung at my LHBS, I rigged it up. (The soft rubber 2-hole bung supplied was inadequate.) Using water, I did test runs racking & bottling. Everything went great. I would have preferred a little more detail in the instructions but I was able to get it rigged up quickly and (best I can tell) correctly, despite my general lack of mechanical ability!

Then I racked a 6 gal carboy of WE SE Barolo that had been aging for 4 months. It took about 5 minutes and at the end I was surprised to see a lot of tiny bubbles of CO2 rising to the top. Excellent! Before racking, I drew off a sample from the original carboy and after racking I drew off a sample from the new carboy. The two glasses looked identical but the racked sample (said my wife) had a slightly better mouthfeel.

So far, I am very pleased. The instructions said there is a red line on the bottling accessory which actually is black but I get the idea. I need to learn to slow down the process by backing the tube behind that line; I had it over the line & it went very fast making it difficult to stop in time.

I am interested in filtering, but don't plan to filter right away. My work space does not allow a plastic filter cannister to be permanently mounted
and I am not sure what my other options would be.

Overall, my assessment is: :br


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