REVIEW: *allinonewinepump*

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I had the pleasure of talking to No Snob over the phone

He was having problems putting the racking cane in the 2 hole bung - which I recommended to use either glycerine,water or mineral oil and twist while pushing it on.

I apologized for the wrong color of the marker - my oldest son borrowed it temporairly without my knowledge.

The filter canister does not have to be mounted as it sits very well in the upright position.

I will review the instructions to try to make them easier to understand. Just remember, all the connections are size appropriate - so they technically will only fit on the proper connection.
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I found the supplied white two hole bung to be impossible to slip down the racking cane. The water and soap I used did not help and in fact made my hands even more slippery! I noticed that both Steve's avatar and the supplied photos showed the orange 2 hole bung in use. So I obtained one and it appeared to work fine in my initial racking & test bottling.

Steve explained today that those orange bungs were originally used but in time they tended to lose the vacuum seal and he has begun using the white soft bungs.

So today I tried, again, to get that d*mn cane slipped through the supplied bung and with great difficulty I finally did so. Must have been my wet hands the other day. Sometimes the simplest of problems can give me fits

Good to know that I don't have to permanently mount a filter cannister should I decide to get one.

I found the supplied white two hole bung to be impossible to slip down the racking cane. The water and soap I used did not help and in fact made my hands even more slippery! I noticed that both Steve's avatar and the supplied photos showed the orange 2 hole bung in use. So I obtained one and it appeared to work fine in my initial racking & test bottling.

Steve explained today that those orange bungs were originally used but in time they tended to lose the vacuum seal and he has begun using the white soft bungs.

So today I tried, again, to get that d*mn cane slipped through the supplied bung and with great difficulty I finally did so. Must have been my wet hands the other day. Sometimes the simplest of problems can give me fits

Good to know that I don't have to permanently mount a filter cannister should I decide to get one.


i figured even though the bung was not going to be touching my wine necessarily, but i was using it with my wine making, i tossed it into my freshly mixed bucket of HOT sanitizing solution to sanitize it, and the racking cane slid through just fine with a little twisting and persuasion....but then again, i always mix up a fresh bucket of sanitizer and soak my equipment in it so that's never an issue....
I still use the orange carboy caps without problems. It's a matter of personal preference, I think.
I found out over time that not all carboys are the same neck dimenision on the outside and there are some glass imperfections which will make the universal carboy adapter leak. Yes it will work, but typically overall the tappered stoper will defintley have a better seal.

I believe Wade also ran into the same problem as well - That is the reason I custom make all my stoppers.
Just wanted to give my review of the allinone. I have used this thing for racking, filtering and bottling. It is definitely well thought out right down to the little hole in the bottle filler. If you follow the directions perfectly you will have no problems. Faster, more functional and just as easy cleanup as siphoning. Sure the hoses and bungs are hard to get on but, I found if you heat them up a bit it is much easier. They need to be tight for a good seal. I think the best part is bottling. Not one drop spilled and a perfect fill every time. I even had my son, who is 13, fill about 90 bottles while I corked them. He was filling almost as fast as I could cork with a floor corker. I hope I don't burn this up from using it foo much!!!
Thanks Steve, great product.
All in one wine pump

I have used the all in one pump for transferring both wine and beer from fermenter to carboy and so on. I tried degassing for the first time on my wine and had a disaster. E-mailed Steve and had a response in no time at all on a Sunday. He not only helped but also told me how he used his pump. He also asked for my phone number which I gladly e-mailed him and in less than an hour he called. We talked for a good fifteen minuets on my degassing problem and he also explained how others used their pump. The all in one pump is worth every penny they charge. It transfer wine in no time at all and bottling is a breeze. Clean up is a breeze. Steve is great and customer service can't be beat.
I posted the comment below in the beer bottling thread but don't know how many saw it there so will copy it here. I didn't realize that you can still get one for the old price so it is even more of a bargain for a short time. I have had mine for about 6 months and love it. By the way, does anybody want a good bargain on a never used Ferrari Auto Bottle Filler that was made redundant when I got the all-in-one?

"I also want to say that the all-in-one pump is the best investment I have made for a "non-essential" piece of wine/beer equipment. (Non-essential in that you can get by without one but you will never understand why you did once you get it). It is well worth its new price and Steve's customer service is second to none."

Now that I have used it twice thought I would post a review. I got my pump last week. Racked/degassed 2 carboys as soon as I could get it hooked up. Racked again today and man is this sweet. How did I ever get by without this? You can accomplish the same thing manually, but I have never had a wine degas so well in such a short time. I have looked at vacuum degassing for 2 years. Almost bought a pump from Wade but didn't really have the money then. Steve hooked me up now and it came with everything I needed plus a spare part just in case. I have not bottled yet but I can not believe how great this works. Steve has hands down the best customer service you can ask for. The day I got it I got a PM from him to make sure I saw a new thread about degassing and to make sure I was doing OK. Said he would phone me to help me if need be, but I used his directions that came with it and had no problems. I can't wait to bottle with this! Now that I see how good it works, I'm going to get the parts I need to filter with the all in one and sell my Mity vac and mini jet! Thanks Steve for giving us the heads up for a price increase.

The only problem I fore-see is that I wanted to bulk age these two kits, but I just HAVE to bottle them now and try this out!

Also thanks to all of you for the reviews and posts about vacuum pumps. It really helped me decide.
millwright, don't rush to bottle those kits. trust me/us when we say the "All in one bottling attachment" works perfectly. You won't believe how easy it is to fill all your bottles perfectly & neatly with easy clean up. so let them age slowly. roy
millwright, don't rush to bottle those kits. trust me/us when we say the "All in one bottling attachment" works perfectly. You won't believe how easy it is to fill all your bottles perfectly & neatly with easy clean up. so let them age slowly. roy

Yeah, thought of that after. I will just wait and believe all of you about how great it works. If it gets too much, I guess I could try it on just some water! LOL :tz
If not go to google and type in pentek 158326 and hit shopping
I found several - but filter fast always has the best price soo far

Here is a PDF to all - for the complete filter set-up (look below)
I just included an alternative filter housing as well - updated 2-19-2013

I hope this helps

This has all been very helpful. I have two questions, so I can make my purchase. First, why does the list include two filters 1 micron and 5 micron; wouldn't I just use one (probably the 1 micron)? Second, since the tubing is 3/8" why wouldn't I use the 158008, which is 3/8"?
Most people - like to filter their reds using a 5 micron filter and for whites a 1 micron filter.
Yes I did notice the other filter housing also - I thought it would be easier for those who have the information on the barb connector not to be confused on which one to purchase (KISS) I stock the 1/4npt to 3/8 barbed adapters

The inside diameter of 1/4 npt is actually bigger in diameter than the 3/8 barbed end - so the restriction if any is the entire racking cane assembly,including hose, not the adapter.

I hope I answered your questions ?
Falling Film Degassing with the All in One Pump

I started a thread on Falling Film Degassing a couple of weeks ago with the post copied below (full thread is ). Steve suggested I link to it in this thread so it is with information on the pump. This falling film technique degasses significantly better than just letting the stream entering the receiving carboy fall and splash to the bottom. There is also much less foam generation. The foam is a result of air entrapment in the wine (even with the reduced pressure from the vacuum pump there will be some air in the carboy) so it probably results in less potential for oxidation (just guessing on this last point). Dralarms suggests shortening the inlet leg of the cane to make this less awkward and Steve suggest having a dedicated bung for this to make it easier to switch from degassing to normal racking.

Default Falling Film Degassing
From my previous life as an engineer I know that a falling thin film of liquid is very efficient for mass transfer (i.e. moving a material to/from the liquid phase to the gas phase it is falling through). It is efficient because the transferring material (CO2 in our case) doesn't have far to go within the liquid to reach the surface and the turbulence of the film continually renews the surface with fresh CO2 containing wine. Thus I devised the following method of vacuum racking that should be more efficient than simple splash racking to move CO2 from the wine into the reduced pressure gas phase in the carboy. The method should work for gravity racking but probably not as well.

I took the racking cane which has a short leg at the top bent 90 degrees from the longer leg and inserted this into the stopper so that the transfer tube connects to the long leg and the short leg is in the carboy pointed at the side. Pulling a vacuum on the carboy causes the wine to impinge on the side of the carboy and fall down the side. See pics in the file below.

I have tried this a couple of times now and it seems to do a much better job of degassing compared with just having the wine fall straight to the bottom in a single stream. I wonder if anyone else has tried this and/or knows of a reason why it may not be as good of an idea as it seems.


Falling Film Degassing.jpg

How long is your racking cane ? I was thinking about possibily putting these on my accessory page ? Just want to make sure that they will fit in my standard shipping box or if there is a demand for something like this ?

I will be racking this Saturday and looking foward to trying this procedure !

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