REVIEW: *allinonewinepump*

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I just received my All in one wine pump and give it a try as soon as I unbox it. I had 2 kit to degas and it was a real charm. It is very easy to use and work well and fast.
A must have accessories !

Thanks to Steve for that product !
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I just received my All in one wine pump and give it a try as soon as I unbox it. I had 2 kit to degas and it was a real charm. It is very easy to use and work well and fast.
A must have accessories !

Thanks to Steve for that product !

Looks like you've jumped right into this hobby! That's great!
Hi all, last week i've order the filter kit recommend by Steve(Vacuumpumpman) for the AIO pump. Because i'm on the other side of the border, I had to look on to find the product and at a lower cost and free shipping. For Canadian who wants to get the kit, just copy past the serial number given by Steve and you will find it easily. I've order the filter housing, the bracket, the wrench and 4 filters for less than 50$Cn, shipping included, ship to my door in only 3 days.
So, if you don't have it, go and order one. :h
That's how I do it, Robie. The tube that applies vacuum to the bung has a small whole in it (great idea Steve!). Leave the hole open and you fill slowly. Cover the hole and fill quickly. Once you get the hang of feathering the bung in the mouth (did I just say that?) of the bottle, you can further control the flow of wine, filling the bottle up to the perfect level.

Funny Wyatt! The one-armer man from Manitoba!

Just got around to bottling with my new pump-should I be able to see this hole(with glasses)??
Just got around to bottling with my new pump-should I be able to see this hole(with glasses)??

I took this from the online manual
Question: What is the line on the bottle filler for?

To slow down the filling process, attach vacuum before line, leaving the hole uncovered.
Just bottling for the first time with the AIO pump this morning. Work so well and so fast. Don't spill a drop of wine and the level is the same all time. The release valve is so easy to work to slow down the filling process.I think it take me less than 10 mins to fill 31 bottles.:ib No need to practice before. So easy.
Bottled three batches totaling 23.5 gallons - 117 bottles - with my All in One Wine Pump this weekend. Racked two five gallon batches as well. The ability to move wine laterally or 'uphill' is invaluable. The ability to degas, which helps with the clearing process, is a wonderful bonus. Note the picture of the bottle of Joe's Ancient Orange Mead. If you haven't made JOAM, it uses bread yeast that is both slow to settle and will fluff back up into the mead if you look at the carboy funny. With the AIO, there is no need to move the carboy or disturb the yeast. Two rackings, and it is perfectly clear - no stirring, chemicals, or other complications. The AIO's vacuum racking and degassing translates into a lot less work for the one making the wine - or mead in this case.

Tropical Dragon's Blood:



JOAM Mead Bottled 3-28-16.jpg

Total spillage while bottling 117 bottles? Less than a finger's width in the bottom of the overflow bottle, and it was only that much because I got distracted and tried to fill an all ready full bottle. :slp

The All in One Wine Pump is highly recommended.
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I just started my first winemaking kit. After reading all these reviews and stuff. I've already ordered this brilliant device! (I did have to lift my 6.5G big mouth bubbler once to put it on the counter and I don't want to have to do that again while it's full!)
I also used my All-in-One pump for the first time yesterday. I went on line and printed the manual, what a waste of paper....with the color coding of the lines, it was all pretty much self-explainatory. I had a beer to bottle and four five gallon batches of wine to tinker with...figured I'd do the beer and one batch of wine to get used to the pump. About 45 minutes later I had the beer in the bottling bucket and had racked each 5 gallon batch of wine to a fresh carboy, cleaned the carboy, and racked back into it...two rackings per batch....just to degas. So smooth, easy, clean, and fast....I used one small paper towel to mop up a few drips.

Then, I took the pump down the hill and racked two batches of wine for my nice neighbor lady....there is a WOW factor when watching the pump work for the first time! Frankly, I never thought using the auto-siphon to rack was that big of deal, no problem really. But, that pump is just awesome and almost effortless.

Then I bottled the five gallon batch of beer. As I stood there admiring my handiwork, it dawned on me....I could have used the All-in-One to bottle the beer...I just didn't think about it...and I'm comfortable with my wand/bottle/cap routine. Does anybody bottle beer with the pump?

I've always wondered about all the rave reviews for the pump....I now understand why. Really good piece of equipment.
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As I stood there admiring my handiwork, it dawned on me....I could have used the All-in-One to bottle the beer...I just didn't think about it...and I'm comfortable with my wand/bottle/cap routine. Does anybody bottle beer with the pump?

Absolutely! My bottling partner (aka wife) no longer has to sit on the floor under the open dishwasher door with the gravity siphon. She is now able to stand at the counter with the AIO and fill bottles while I put on caps, stack bottles in cases and keep her supplied with empties. So much easier!

I use the AIO for bottling both beer and wine, as well as all wine racking. I don't rack beer with it, but only because I use Better Bottles for the beer :).
No doubt this has been asked before, but where can all of us buy this piece of kit in the UK?

The only place I know to get it is

I'm not sure if Steve ships overseas, but I'm sure he will be by to answer soon or you can send him a message at the website under contact me. (or here by messaging vaccumpumpman)
I just used my AIO to bottle for the first time. Previously, I used a siphon with a wand attachment. Usually, about a half bottle winds up in places other than the bottle... Floor mostly. This is easier, cleaner and I lost hardly anything during bottling.

It took a little practice managing the valve, but, it worked out just fine.

This is the best Christmas present I've gotten in years.
Happy, Happy, Happy

A while back I became the winner of the Pressurized Bottle Washer and Sanitizer from All in one wine pump, I am very happy with the way that machine works. It is awesome for washing out the wine bottles.

At the same time I was talking to Steve about the washer that I had won, I decided to purchase his Deluxe Wine Bottle and Racking Vacuum Pump.

Well, I just used my new Deluxe Wine Bottle and Rack Vacuum Pump from All in One Wine Pump to bottle my first two cases of wine.
That machine is ingenious.

Steve had told me it takes a little playing around with to get comfortable to get good control over the bottling process.
After the first case I was working it pretty good. It worked way better then I expected,fast and efficient.It is a true pleasure to work with.

Two words can describe it, " thatsa nice "

Now wine making is that much more simple for me to do,
I really like that little unit.

Steve and his family have built it to last,and it shows in the build quality.

I very pleased with both my units from All in one Wine Pump.
Great equipment, I will be happy to show and tell to my friends.:h

first let me say I bottled tonight using Steve's first I bottled some 2 y/o elderberry mead. but after bottling 28 bottles I thought the carboy was close to empty so I drank what was left, 4 18oz glasses and I am loose as a goose. bottling oop's an polishing using Steve's ,, ,, was great, but what I ran thru was bulk aged 2 years, so I ran a gallon of k-meta then a gallon of hot water thru an decided to rack 10 gallons of month old cherry mead, blew my mind an I mean it rattled my world, at first all I seen leaving the carboy was foam in the line,, all the way to the filter,, but cherry wine was going into the second carboy after leaving the filter,,, I could not believe the degassing affect the vacuum pump had on fresh wine. I'm thinking about calling Steve's wife an seeing if she rents him out. gotta love that dude. during that whole 10 gallon of cherry mead I just sat there thinking way to go Steve,,,,,,::::

Yes I have sold to UK already - please email me as we communicate - you will need a converter. Please email me at
Just to further the comments about the AIO Wine Vaccume, without a doubt the best "convenience" piece if equipment I own. Racking, degassing, filtering and bottling could not be easier. In fact I seem to be making up reasons to use the thing!
Had a brain freeze last week, sent Steve an email, within minutes he called me, turned out to be operator error, go figure. He also said, no need to send long emails, just ask him to call, cannot beat that for customer service.

Just a quick post about my All In One Wine Pump and bottling. I've done two batches with the supplied attachments and am THRILLED with the results. Each bottle is filled to almost exactly the same level; there's no more struggling with the filler tip against the punted bottles; and, I no longer lose the half a bottle through spillage that occurred doing it the old way.

I went a year before I bought my AIO... I would never go back to the old way. My wine is perfectly clear and completely degassed. Plus, bottling is a snap. I'm done in half the time with no mess at all.

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