I got the above kit in today. Who has worked with it before? And what can you tell me about it? In addition to the kit I also ordered a pound of the heavy toast american oak chips so I have a couple of questions.
#1. Those that made this kit, how oakie was it? It has both the oak dust and the oak "tea bag" (2 of them). I really like the flavors that oak brings to the wine.
#2. I bought the extra oak because as you may have guessed I like oak in my wine
I bought heavy toast american chips...what is the taste difference brought out by the different levels of toasting? When I ordered the oak I assumed the heavy toast would be stronger but I really don't know. I thought I might try aging this wine in bulk for a month or two and let some amount of these oak chips soak in the wine while it ages.
#3. So the last question is how much oak chips for how long?
I realize taste is very much an issue of personal preference but since this is only my second kit I could use some guidance. Those of you that like oak in your wine and have made this kit, would you add more oak to it? How much for how long? Thanks a bunch in advance, paulc
#1. Those that made this kit, how oakie was it? It has both the oak dust and the oak "tea bag" (2 of them). I really like the flavors that oak brings to the wine.
#2. I bought the extra oak because as you may have guessed I like oak in my wine
#3. So the last question is how much oak chips for how long?
I realize taste is very much an issue of personal preference but since this is only my second kit I could use some guidance. Those of you that like oak in your wine and have made this kit, would you add more oak to it? How much for how long? Thanks a bunch in advance, paulc