Senior Member
Just received Super Tuscan kit. Anyone done this kit? What tweaks did you do and how did it turn out? Would you do something different?
Started it today. Substituted ec1118 with BM4x4 and added go-ferm. Sg was 1.20 also bumped oak up from 80 to 100 gr. When Sg is down 1/3 plan to add 5 gr ferm - k then when drops 1/3 again add another 5 gr.
Don’t think it will get that high but fermented dry should give 16%. We will see. I see there is another Monty on Greetings Monty. Thanks for your post.
monty b.
Made mine per instructions earlier this year minus any clearing agents (I let time and a few rackings do that for all my wines) - bulk aging on 1 American med toast oak spiral now...for 6months. Smells awesome and barrel tastings have been delish! Bottling late Nov.Just received Super Tuscan kit. Anyone done this kit? What tweaks did you do and how did it turn out? Would you do something different?
It was down to .98 this morning so transferred to carboy for secondary fermentation. Tasted it - think it is the best wine I’ve ever tasted at this stage. I’m impressed. Old Corker I’ve got a Amarone that went over a year old a couple months ago. It also was really good.
I'm making my second batch of the Super Tuscan kit. You said you added extra oak...which type of oak did you add? Did the extra tannin you added make a notable difference?I love the RJS Super Tuscan kit. I've made it 4 times.
It is easily the best wine I've made.
I don't deviate from the instructions too much.
I add 1/2 - 3/4 tsp of tannin at the beginning. And some extra oak.
I usually give it longer to clear, then rack. And leave it another month or so, then filter, then wait another month or so and bottle.
So, I basically follow the instructions up until the clearing/bottling (except for adding tannin and more oak).
But I don't get in a hurry to bottle it. A little extra time in bulk aging makes a difference - just remember to add Kmeta every 90 days, or each racking/filtering....
Is this the old 18L kit or the new 14L?I just put this kit on today. I love the En Primeur kits, and I am looking for a super bold wine. My SGi was 1.104 and if I can hit an SGf or 0.995 or so, I will be a little over 13% ABV. The yeast that came with the kit was Lalvin EC1118. I added that yeast because I was starting with a wine temp of 65 degrees F instead of the recommended 68 degrees, but I believe "ol' Turbo Yeast" will warm it up. I have some Lalvin Bourgovin RC212 that I may add, not sure at this point. Among the tweaks I am considering are black currants or raisins in secondary (i.e., after SG 1.020) and some French oak in bulk aging.
I have made this before and it is always a crowd favorite.