rosehip wine

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Dec 28, 2023
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Cape Cod Ma.
Hello everyone, I am making a rosehip wine and was going to remove most of the seeds as I don't want it to be too bitter. The question I have is should I add tannin or raisins? The recipes I've found don't call for any. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I also was wondering which would be better than water for rosehips ,apple juice or white grape? Any suggestions?
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We PM'd but in case there's other interest I'll copy some here...

I made two rosehip wines using wild roses from the property, rosa canina, the dog rose. The first one I left the seeds and OMG is it bitter. There might be flavor hidden somewhere but the bitterness was overpowering. I think my reaction was something like "Holy ****!" It's still in bulk. Maybe someday it will be drinkable.

Because of that experience I had to do another. Got rid of the seeds and it was COMPLETELY different. Delicious! My first thought was that it tastes like a cherry wine! Seriously! I was surprised and happy!

So removing the seeds might be a good idea. 😄 I didn't add tannin to the one with seeds. Wasn't sure about the 2nd so I only added 1/8 tsp. I might add a little more next time.

I didn't add raisins to either. Next time? Maybe a bit. It's a coin toss thing since I was happy without.

Adding apple juice is up to you. From my happy experience with the 2nd one I wouldn't. The first time I use a new ingredient I try to keep it as simple as possible just so I can experience that ingredient. And I don't think the rosehip needs any help. But that's me. Everyone's style and taste buds are different, of course, and you're the boss.

I have to add I'm surprised rosehips aren't used more for wine making. Delicious!
Winemaker magazine has a recipe for rose hip wine. Says to crush fresh rose hips and put in a straining bag. Let it ferment, then lightly press.

I’m guessing as long as you don’t crush the seeds you won’t get an overly bitter wine.
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Thanks all for the advice. I am going with BigDaveK's advice removing the seeds and using water seems best. I was worried I didn't have enough hips as a lot of them had already gone by.
Next year I am going earlier as I also missed the beach plums. Everything is early this year.

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