sanitizing for bottling

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Oct 25, 2008
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when sanitizing the bottles for bottling what is the best and quickest way to do it??t
I use the bottle rinser vinator. You just put the sanitizer in it,put the bottle on the spring loaded peg and push the bottle down about 3 0r 4 times. It pumps the sanitizer into the bottle and then you just let them drain on a bottle tree.
If your bottles are clean, I use the bottle rinser vinator with K-Meta and let them drain and use them...
Me too with the vinator but if you dont have 1 then get yourself a new spray bottle fro a $1 store and just spray some in each bottle and figure out a way to let each bottle drip dry and just keep that bottle for sanitizing wine things.
Edited by: wade
Wade is that pray bottle used in some holy ceremony?
You dont want me to go through your posts for type o's do ya?

Edited by: wade
I just got a Vinator in the last couple of months and have had only two opportunities to use it so far - but I too am a devoted convert now. I used to pour some sulphite solution into a bottle, shake shake shake and then pour that into the next bottle and repeat throughout the bottling run. When I only needed 5 bottles at a time, it was very doable, but when I got to bottling my first kit and had to do 30 bottles, I broke down and got the vinator. Very happy to have it now. But, if you don't have one and don't have a spray bottle (I have a million used for spray bottles and not a one in the house except the one with Windex and for some reason that one is MIA as well, some kind of psychological block I am afraid...
... ) then the pour-shake-empty-drain routine can work too.
The vinator is one of my favorite high tech winemaking aids.LOL Just pour in a quart or two of k-meta, put a bottle on it and push it down to get a few squirts. Gotta love the simplicity. Some folks worry about cleaning it out afterwards so the spring and balls don't rust (none of us guys want rusty balls after all). When I am done, I dump out all the k-meta (usually back in mystorage jug) add a couple quarts of plain water and pump it until I get some nice full streams out of it- dump the water all out and put it away until next time. I have done a LOT of batches now without failure. One of the best values in winemaking equipment! Edited by: appleman
I to do just that Rich and for it costs if it ever fails I go buy another the next day!
After use, I immediately rinse out a wine bottle. When I have a half dozen, I soak in hot water to remove labels and store them face down. On bottling day, I soak the bottles in a 20 gallon fermenter in water and bleach. I then rinse the bottles with water and use the vinator to sanitize the bottles with a sulfite solution. I store the bottles on a bottling rack and let them dry. Besides the vinator, the best wine equipment buy was purchasing the bottling rack. I bought the one that holds 45 bottles since I rarely bottle more than that many at a time. Edited by: dfwwino

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