the orange caps are carboy caps, available just about any winemaking/brewing retail source.
the vacuum pumps vary depending on model and type. some are oilless, some require oil. some are limited duty (can only be run for short lengths of time between cooling off periods) and some are continuous duty.
generally speaking, any pumps that will reliably pull 20in/Hg should be suitable for multiple winemaking tasks.
it is nice to have a regulator and gauge, either as part of the pump or bought separately.
places like northern tool and valley vintner sell several models of vacuum pump.
the route i took was to look for a commercial quality medical/dental aspirator on ebay as used medical equipment - these pumps are built for heavy use, quality constructed, most are oilless and they often come as a complete portable setup with a base that also holds the overflow/collection container (which you will need to makein some way if you get a pump without - this is precautionary as you will quickly destroy the pump if you accidentally suck water into the pump) - i also went the medical equipment route because of parts availability - virtually every part is available in the event of repair or general maintenance.
the medical aspirators are extremely costly brand new - $800+, but on the used market you can usually luck out and get one for under $100. i paid $50 for mine.
on ebay, good medical pumps to look for are from Gomco and Schuco. Look for oilless and portable as keywords. look for pumps that either come with the glass collection container or you can get a plastic one from an online source for short money.
the model i have is the
Gomco 3001