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well heck I'm starting to worry, all my skeeter pee port behind the recliner is dwindling away, I'm fixing to ask to see DNA lol, i can't remember enough kinfolk to lower my stash so much, unbelievably looks like I'm going to put on more before spring,
Ah ha, the wine gremlins at work. Left my cellar and went to your house to help get rid of your supply. LOL, Arne.
oh man, i took innovatory today, way worse than originally thought, several case boxes empty, outta 14 cases skeeter pee port i got 3 cases of skeeter pee port and 8 bottles of skeeter pee port XXX,, the later is skeeter pee port but with some extra Snopes added, cant remember what kind, beings it was in German, i got some lemon concentrate today, frige me a running, i drink maybe 5 glasses a week,
thinking about selling off family members as paper weights, so @Arne my friend just where is your cellar, lol... :i
the later is skeeter pee port but with some extra Snopes added, cant remember what kind, beings it was in German,

Hey Dawg, you gotta watch out for that German Snopes. I hear that stuff is sometimes not good to put in your wine. You gotta go with the Polish Snopes to be certain. 😁😇😅🤣😂😘😗
oh man, i took innovatory today, way worse than originally thought, several case boxes empty, outta 14 cases skeeter pee port i got 3 cases of skeeter pee port and 8 bottles of skeeter pee port XXX,, the later is skeeter pee port but with some extra Snopes added, cant remember what kind, beings it was in German, i got some lemon concentrate today, frige me a running, i drink maybe 5 glasses a week,
thinking about selling off family members as paper weights, so @Arne my friend just where is your cellar, lol... :i
Lol, in the basement but you are always welcome to stop by and check it out. Arne.
Hey Dawg, you gotta watch out for that German Snopes. I hear that stuff is sometimes not good to put in your wine. You gotta go with the Polish Snopes to be certain. 😁😇😅🤣😂😘😗
i tried to get some Polish Snopes, but they corked the bottles before they racked, but i did sell them a 100 lb bag of powdered water, to get powdered water to work you just add water,
Dawg 🤫 can't fool me, i was born that way ,,lol i think they should change this forums name to NUTTS ARE US,,,
well i almost made it thru 2020, but no cigar,,,
so just before this year ends good Lord willing I'm going to start another 36 gallons plus extra for topping off extra's,,, of skeeter pee port,,,, technically it wont be wine till 2021,,,,, LMFAO,,,
Dawg, I’m fairly certain that once you add yeast to must and the first yeast cell converts sugar to alcohol, it’s wine, so you‘ve got more 2020 vintage wine.
Me? Didnt make a drop of the stuff this year. There will be no 2020 vintage wine in my cellar, at least not home made wine.....
Dawg, I’m fairly certain that once you add yeast to must and the first yeast cell converts sugar to alcohol, it’s wine, so you‘ve got more 2020 vintage wine.
Me? Didnt make a drop of the stuff this year. There will be no 2020 vintage wine in my cellar, at least not home made wine.....
yep, yet again you're right, and i hate to hear you did not craft this year, i dropped out for a couple years to thin down the crowd, vintner is a relaxion for me,,,
OK, yes i knew better, but did it stop me ?
NOPE,, my ferment on my last batch of skitter pee after about 3 weeks is down to SG 1.010,,
since,, I've been on antibiotics , and i knew i would not feel like racking for a while i lowered the temp with a SSG of 1.060, of course i hit it midway with more yeast energizer, and yeast nutrient, got better then 30 gallons, so going into secondary's will be 5#-6's of skitter pee, 12 gallons of apple from secondary to next carboy and another 12 gallon of spiced apple, got enough peach concentrate for 24 gallons but will use all that concentrate for 18 gallons, and have decided to go ahead and bottle some banana that has been bulking close to 14 months now, al l the rest I'm bulk aging are all reds so they got from 9 to 15 months to get them to 2 years bulk aging,
funny, when you got wine everywhere you'd think you'd be drinking all the time, it is rare for me to sip on a glass during the day, but 1 to 2 glasses at night,, well 3 weeks outta a month anyway,,,
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OK, that must be a typo, probably 1.060 right? But nice to hear from you again, Dawg. How are you doing?
I'm better thank you, and yes, my laptop is getting sticky keys and i got fat fingers, lol,, thanks for pointing out my mistake, i sure don't wish to cause a noob to have a bad experience, the more of us,,, the better i feel, i know i am addicted to crafting wines,, i always wonder why someone would have a wine cellar with more wines then i could drink, now that is my dream, i am planning ,, to cut a door way between the 2 bedrooms, one for wine storage, and my wine lab, both will be kept to different temps, storage cooler, ferment warmer, i am also looking into a fiber glass storm shelter, as long as the top is better then 3 feet below ground, it will keep a cool temp with out need of cooling the or heat, ,,,, and of course in stormy weather, well ,, I'll just say I'd keep a cork screw down there, the
the doorway of the bedrooms ,, i'll do this year, and after i've decide on either a fiberglass storm shelter o r something else, to place underground like a aluminum cargo container,
I'm better thank you, and yes, my laptop is getting sticky keys and i got fat fingers, lol,, thanks for pointing out my mistake, i sure don't wish to cause a noob to have a bad experience, the more of us,,, the better i feel, i know i am addicted to crafting wines,, i always wonder why someone would have a wine cellar with more wines then i could drink, now that is my dream, i am planning ,, to cut a door way between the 2 bedrooms, one for wine storage, and my wine lab, both will be kept to different temps, storage cooler, ferment warmer, i am also looking into a fiber glass storm shelter, as long as the top is better then 3 feet below ground, it will keep a cool temp with out need of cooling the or heat, ,,,, and of course in stormy weather, well ,, I'll just say I'd keep a cork screw down there, the
the doorway of the bedrooms ,, i'll do this year, and after i've decide on either a fiberglass storm shelter o r something else, to place underground like a aluminum cargo container,
Glad to see that you are back, doing what you like best. Enjoy
[QUOTE="KCCam, post: 788333, member: 4039
OK, that must be a typo, probably 1.060 right? But nice to hear from you again, Dawg. How are you doing?
FRIST my periods, and commas now my math,, GEEZ ,,, LMFAO
Frist i know some get worked up,,, at my ways, but yawl did tell me to suit myself,
so i pulled the cork on some 20 month old skeeter pee port, i **** you not i can put this in a pitcure in the fridge, and you'd never know that this is not the kids drink,,,, oh so smooth as silk, 6 quarts lemon juice to 6 gallon water, and a fifth of 180 proof PGA, MAN am i proud of it,,