Skeeter Pee ????

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I have done 2 other wines using the slurry besides the SP and had no trouble starting them both had cranberries in them that's why I thought I would give it a try . The first was before i looked to see why everyone was talking about skeeter pee . The second was a why not it worked good on the others better give it another try . I always have a pack of yeast here now incase I need to throw a little in .
i apologize if this has been discussed earlier, i did try to search.

Has anyone tried swapping out 1, 2 or all bottles with Realime?

Hmmm, think a cherry-lime wine might work? Making the Skeeter Pee with Realime and sweet cherry f-pac/backsweeten ? Heck, i have no idea what i'm talking about so let me know if this is craziness. Before the comments begin, be it known, i do understand that it won't taste like the commercial lime cherry beverage available at certain fast food establishments. (LOL.)
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I don't know what the flavour is you're talking about ,must be something you only get in the states . But i will tell you what I'm going to try on a few bottles of my skeeter pee ( first batch ) I bought a cherry flavour you add to wine when it's done fermenting . Think it will be 6 - 750 ml bottles or whatever the math works out easiest for to make cherry lemonade . I can let you know how that turns out .
There is a drive up car-hop place in the US called Sonic that serves Cherry-Lime Ade.
Well we don't have any of those in my area but it does sound kinda good .
Anyone have a tried and tested 6 gal recipe?

I see the original recipe calls for using the lees from another batch of wine as a ferm starter...

What is the method for removing the existing lees? Do you wait until the existing wine is done fermenting and remove the lees from the fermenter? Or do you extract/remove part of the lees from an active fermentation?

Also, how much of the lees do you remove?

I would like to get a batch of this going for spring/summer.....

thanks in advance

I am on my 4th batch, two I started from lees or slurry. I just keep the lees in the fridge until I'm ready to start the skeeter pee. I have also used a starter. They both worked equally well and about the same time to ferment.
Personally I liked the starter better. I used ec1118 tho and that stuff is hard to stop. I am going to try 71B1122 next batch and see if it keeps more of the lemon flavor.

I remove all the lees each time I rack.
We have been just using a starter, and then substituting the last bottle of lemon with 2 15 oz. bottles of Realime, and after it clears back sweetening with cranberry/pom, etc. That has worked out really well so far. I think I may try back sweetening with some cherry/pom concentrate this time and see how it tastes. It does sound good.
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