Sketer Pee - Is started

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Dec 28, 2009
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I got evertying mixed for my skeeter pee last night. Will allow it to sit until tomorrow after work then start my yeast starter and get that pitched. This should be interesting.
I got evertying mixed for my skeeter pee last night. Will allow it to sit until tomorrow after work then start my yeast starter and get that pitched. This should be interesting.

Did you see my correction of the sugar to the starter ??:slp
So you are not using the slurry?

I don't have anything going to make a slurry from. I will be using a starter as IQwine recommended.

My melomel done fememented over again, I extracted some of the melomel and added it to my starter for the "pee". I just added my first 4 oz of Pee Must to the starter about 10 minutes ago, thos little yeasties are going nuts over this stuff. I have about 3/8 of foam ontop of the starter right now. Will continue adding Pee Must until it is time for the FD meeting then see what goes when I get home. May pitch it tonight if it is going well enough.

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I came home from FD meeting last night and my starter was churning away. I added the starter to the must last night. This morning I can say......

My PEE is fermenting.....
:br mind was racked to a carboy last night and it is bubbling away. Will be bottling the riesling this weekend, so I think I will start another skeeter pee with an elderberry slurry.
Mmmmmm Elderberry wine. Haven't had that in ages. Need to figure where to get some of those for a batch. Buddies of mine in Ft Hill, PA make Elderberry wine that was delicious.
Mmmmmm Elderberry wine. Haven't had that in ages. Need to figure where to get some of those for a batch. Buddies of mine in Ft Hill, PA make Elderberry wine that was delicious.

Well, I'm just going to have you up here drinking some elderberry wine. Out of 18#, I get 12 gallons of wine. 6 gallons of a full body and 6 gallons of a blush. It is very good. :b
Well, I'm just going to have you up here drinking some elderberry wine. Out of 18#, I get 12 gallons of wine. 6 gallons of a full body and 6 gallons of a blush. It is very good. :b

I can only imagine....

I checked on the PEE again this am, a nice frothy head has formed on the must. Gave it a quick stir to keep everything going.
My PEE is really frothy and that's not a personal problem that needs checked. It really is foamy.....Can smell the alcohol forming though so that's a good thing. SG tonight was down to 1.062, I'm guessing sometime tomorrow or Friday I'll add the other bottle of lemon, should be to 1.050 before the weekend.
I'm gonna rack mine over to a carboy tomorrow night... hope it doesn't make it explode :f1
Doug: Dont forget to add your nutrient and energizer too.

What yeast did you use? I have made two batches and neither one was foamy. The only foamy thing I ever had was Wade's chocolate strawberry port and I used Lavlin D-47.
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EC 1118 it looks like lemon meringue pie when it's going well.
Racked mine over from the primary to carboys tonight, SG is about 1.03, slowly fermenting along!
Doug: Dont forget to add your nutrient and energizer too.

What yeast did you use? I have made two batches and neither one was foamy. The only foamy thing I ever had was Wade's chocolate strawberry port and I used Lavlin D-47.

As IQwine said, I too used EC 1118 and it does look like meringue from a pie.

I checked the sg again last night it was down to 1.04 from 1.05 in the morning. Didn't check today, will likely transfer to carboy tomorrow sometime then patiently wait.