WineXpert Sorbate and Temp Questions

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Sep 15, 2016
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1. How many of you skip the sorbate when making a dry wine? I currently have an Eclipse Sauv Blanc brewing, and a WE Selection Luna Bianca where I added approximately 2/3 of the f-pack in the primary (per several recommendations I saw on here). I'm wondering if I should skip the sorbate on the Sauv and/or both/neither...

2. I have read comments that many try to ferment their whites in the 60s, yet the WE instruction says to have it between 72-75 degrees. I currently have a space heater running in my "winery", which allows me to keep the temp approximately 72-73 degrees. Should I turn off the heater and allow the temp to drop to a more natural 65-68? My Sauv is one week old and my Luna B is one day old.

All insight is greatly appreciated!
1. I used to use sorbate when i was new to winemaking. Now, i never use it. I think it does give off weird flavors....or maybe i am sensitive to it. But if i were you, leave it out. UNLESS you are backsweetening.....then you need it.

2. I always ferment my whites in the mid-upper 60's with zero issues. The kit instructions are made so you will have a 0% chance of screwing up. If you aren't swapping yeast in your kits, then most likely you are using ec-1118.....which will ferment like a bull even if the temps were in the 50's.
I have made many "dry wine" kits, have never used the sorbate and have never had a problem, but you must ferment it all the way down. I don't have extensive experience with f-packs, I made my first recently and used the sorbate. I wish my basement was 65-68. this time of year, I am on Long Island, NY, my basement is a 58-60. Everything takes longer, but it works!
I skip the sorbate with DRY wine. And, I also make Luna Bianca with most of the flavor pack in the primary, as you describe. BUT, if you are going to add that last third of the f-pack, I think you should use the sorbate. (I did.)
Instructions for winemaking are general at best, unfailing at least! White wines do well at the lower temps 60-70F, Reds call for 75-85F to be happy... It's all about the yeasts during ferment. As for aging, as close to a constant temp/humidity as possible works best. If you were tucked away in a cave, 50's would be home!! 60-70 in a basement would fare as well.. All the above is working with glass carboys. Oak barrel aging is another science which I cannot comment on;)

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