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Senior Member
Nov 7, 2005
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Most of us probably have either a bottling bucket or fermenting bucket that has a spigot on it......

Many of you members have nice sanitary rooms where your buckets sit on nice clean tables....

Then there are the rest of us whose buckets sit on a kitchen floor, carpet, or basement floors...

Some of us have kids, dogs, cats, insects and dust bunnies making their way around on the floors near our spigots...

Who knows what can get inside that spigot... What ever gets in there is the first thing out....

This is what I have come up with to keep a clean spigot...


I use a finger cut off of a surgical glove, any rubber glove would work...Wrap it with a rubber band.

I keep it on the spigot at all times unless washing, disinfecting or using the spigot...

What do you use????

Happy and safe Fermenting.
That's a great idea. I have never really used anything other than a squirt of K-meta every once in a while and especially before transferring. I think your idea is much better.

Well 1st I don't use a bucket w spigot.
2nd It looks like a small "rubber" LOL

Here is what I use.
Buon Vino Automatic Bottle Filler
NW, "wrap that rascal". hahaha

I have that plastic wrap that sticks. So I am going to go home and put that around the spigot.

AND remind myself to disassemble the spigot and run it under hot water!!!!
NW I don't use the buckets with spigots but that is an outstanding idea. I usually just convince one of my boys to lift the bucket or carboy for me.
Great idea NW..Better than my cotton ball soaked in sanitizer and stuffed up in it
Waldo, Im pretty much like you except using a corner of paper towel with k-meta.
Thanks NW, Great Idea,

I have one bucket with a spigot and wish that it did not. I never use the spigot and I am always worried that it is going to leak or get hit.
That photo does rather strange doesn't it...Maybe disgusting even...

I get these gloves from my nurses...lets just say these gloves got rescued from other tasks at hand.

Perhaps a yellow rubber glove finger would be less suggestive...

A corner of paper towel is kind of odd too...

Think we need everyones in-put here....
RT, why dont you use the spigot, I can understand not using it for bottling as you dont want to wash another vessel but racing from bucket to carboy with it works VERY WELL!
Hey NW, I was wondering, why not a piece of hose with a bolt in the end ? Could be reused.
Anything to close it up to keep the nasties out and off of it....

A hose and bolt or tiny cork is a good option.

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