For me, it's not the wine so much I want as it is any easy to make alcoholic drink - just so happens wine is easiest and cheapest to make - even if it's just an alcohol infused mixture of colored sugar water.
Sorry if that offends some hard core wine lovers.. on second thought.. heck no, I won't apologies for that.
My goal is to make my own alcoholic drink to keep the house supplied 24/7 so I won't run out. I plan to figure out the best materials to use so in the long run it works out to be cheaper than any alcohol I could buy in the store.
I understand completely. Here you go:
-- 4 cans Welch's concord concentrate per gallon of water
-- Add sugar to reach 1.100-1.150 specific gravity reading on a hydrometer (buy one for $10). That's usually about 1-1/4 pounds per gallon.
-- 1 red Irish potato, peeled, per 5 gallons made
-- Yeast (RC212 works good but any wine yeast or even bread yeast will work)
Place everything in a bucket. Mix very well with nonmetallic spoon. This is called the must. Sprinkle yeast packet on top. Cover with a cloth or towel.
Stir morning and night every day. After 5 days, siphon contents to a carboy. Allow to settle. Siphon off less back into bucket. Clean carboy, siphon back to clean carboy. Do this until wine is clear, then put it in a clear carboy and stir it well to remove excess CO2, wait a day or two, then bottle. It may take 1-3 months to get clear and stable enough to bottle. Do not be hasty in bottling, it will cause the bottles to explode from CO2 gas production.
There should be residual sugar in this wine, as the yeast will give up before all sugar is consumed. This is drinkable right away and improves to a year. if you find used bottles at a recycler and you watch your prices on the Welch's, you can make 25 bottles of this (5 gallons) at a cost below $2 a bottle.
If you want to go a bit nicer, use potassium metabisulfite to sanitize everything you use, and use 1/4 tsp of it in the must you make, then wait 12-24 hours before adding your yeast.
One bottle will get a heavy drinker smashed. It may take a bottle and a half or even 2 to smash a true alcoholic. So your buzz costs about $3-$4 a party. Even taking the 911 with Steel Reserve isn't that cheap, and the Welch's wine is better for you.
Once I can prove to myself that I can do it, I'll have cheaper bottles as a standard and then i'll have breathing room to experiment with some better, more proper wine recipes.
You'll want to after you get your feet wet. Welch's wine is a "gateway drug" for many home winemakers. It gets them hooked on the process and the fascination of winemaking. The next step, after you begin to realize it is indeed more than alcohol infused colored sugar water, is to up the quality. You might be able to do that by finding free grapes locally or buying them cheap from a vineyard. Or perhaps you will graduate to a cheapo kit, then onward after that.
The thing is, even if you spend $100 for a kit, you will still have only about $4 a bottle in the wine. But that wine would sell for $15 a bottle in the store.
So you are correct, it is cheaper to make your own, no matter what quality level you try to attain. I still make Welch's, even though I make a lot of quality and sweetness levels now.
UNDER EDIT: I did not see CBell's post and the others or I would have saved myself a lot of typing.