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WOW!!! That was a lot of work....know about never being rich....but money isn't everything....feeling good, eating good and living good is all that matters.....

Dream as if you'll live forever.....Live as if you'll die today!!!!
appleman said:
I will never be rich with money or possesions, but will be rich through the knowledge I helped my fellow man.

Just from what you have given me, then you are a wealthy man indeed. Wonder if others here realize how much there sharing of there lives mean to many of us.
appleman said:
I will never be rich with money or possesions, but will be rich through the knowledge I helped my fellow man.

Just from what you have given me, then you are a wealthy man indeed. Wonder if others here realize how much there sharing of there lives mean to many of us.

I have never been happier sinceI found the forum, and your right a lot of people are wealthy with knowledge and they are appreciated highly for their sharing!!
By the way , how are the cuttings coming along. I can't believe how slow mine are doing this year. As things warm up, they should get moving a little faster. We want more pictures!
Northern Winos said:

K....what I found out in my garden today...


Now we will be really living off the land.....White Asparagus...the food of Kings!!!!

It was because of this post that I decided to plant me some asparagus...... I love it. My wife and I dug out a 20' X 4' area about a foot deep or so of old clay and rockand put in a ton (literally a ton) of cow manure compost....... What a job, it took most of the day, my poor truck will never forgive me after today. But the 12 plants are in and enjoying their new home. The are already sprouting so they should do really well and produce spears next spring for a couple of weeks.

One less thing I have to be jealous of Northern Winos for......

Now for those CrabApple trees.............Edited by: jobe05
Our blossoms are coming around here. This is our street with the crab apple trees.

And here a blossom on our apple tree. We just may get apples 2 years in a row!
Here is a reason why, along with the deer, I need to plant so many grapes to get a few batches. LOL I took this when the mother was off her nest. There are eleven potential grape-eater there. I saw the hen turkey a few times fly from this spot right near where I have been working clearing the ground for planting this years vines, so I checked it out. Yesterday as I was harrowing the ground , she sat on the nest not 20 feet away.


The nest is in the brush pile Jobe teases me about that I discard brush cleared up after wind and snow damage. Part of my wildlife habitat restoration program. I'm my worst enemy, but I have a handy source of wild game!
Edited by: appleman
appleman said:
The nest is in the brush pile Jobe teases me about that I discard brush cleared up after wind and snow damage.

Someday I'm coming over to clear your "Brush Pile" of all the live plants that you have in there. I had to buy 15 asparagus vines because someone just throws theirs away! Is that small apple trees I see growing in the bottom right of your picture? I'm comen some day...... When you see someone out in your brush pile someday, please yell my name before you shoot.

appleman said:
Part of my wildlife habitat restoration program. I'm my worst enemy, but I have a handy source of wild game!

That there isfunny,................ I don't care who ya are

Edited by: jobe05
I hate to tell you this Jobe, but the darn asparagus is coming up in the grape vines again this year-almost time to get the weedwhacker out again
We eat asparagus, but 2000 feet of row was just a bit much. Now I go over to my other bed when I want some. That bed we share with the rest of the family. I quit fertilizing it a few years ago. It just plain gave us way too much to eat or even give away.

I'm not sure there are any apple trees in the brush pile, but there are a lot of raspberries, blackberries and elderberries coming up and blooming all over the place.
appleman said:
I hate to tell you this Jobe, but the darn asparagus is coming up in the grape vines again this year-almost time to get the weedwhacker out again
We eat asparagus, but 2000 feet of row was just a bit much. Now I go over to my other bed when I want some. That bed we share with the rest of the family. I quit fertilizing it a few years ago. It just plain gave us way too much to eat or even give away.

I'm not sure there are any apple trees in the brush pile, but there are a lot of raspberries, blackberries and elderberries coming up and blooming all over the place.

I'm finding you when I come up there this fall!

My wife will be in Syracuse in a couple of weeks for a wedding, but I'm not going to make it this trip, maybe next time. All the family is around the Syracuse - Central Sguare area so we are always up there. Next week, we'll be in NYC - Manhattan for the week.......... Not really looking forward to that.....

Edit: I'm not sure you can kill asparagus based on what I just planted. They looked like 2 year roots but they were just brown, dry stringy things. Been in the cow manure compost for a couple of days now and they are sprouting all over already. Each root has 2 to 3 spears coming up already. They do grow fast.Edited by: jobe05

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