Stabalize or not?

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Jan 6, 2010
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Hello everyone,
I'm having an issue with my WE Sel. Int' Aust. Chard. kit (must admit, my first of 5 kits since Christmas' initial gift - maybe a little OCD?). Started on 1/3 w/sg of 1.092. Racked to carboy on 1/9 with sg of 1.005. Supposed to stabilize and clear yesterday but sg was only .998, same again today. Should I keep waiting, testing each day as the instructions say to obtain an sg of .996 or less?
Appreciate any suggestions, Brenda
What is the WINE temp?
This could be the problem as if its low the yeast goes dorment. Rais the temp ( put it near the heat) give ie a few more days. Its real close to where it should be. If nothing changes DEGAS and add finnings.
Sorry for the delay... I have a floating therm but it's in a carboy so I had to ask for a longer probe... anyway, ended up with a bung and a turkey poker... it says 69 - I'll admit, I'm cheap when it comes to heat. I live in a woods and I rely on mostly fireplace (zero-clearance) heat with gas backup. My home remains around that temp and above unless I'm slacking with the log throw.
Am I killing my wine or just postponing the results?
Thanks Tom
I guess I also got kicked out due to time delay?
NOT killing just slowing the result. Try to move it closer to heat for a couple of days and ck gravity. If the samd continue with the kit directions.
Lots of wines will stop right around here and you are pretty dry so dont worry about that, below1.000 is considered dry. That beind said you may be able to get it down by getting the temp up but I highly dought it at this point. Best thing for you to do is get a brew belt and use it in the very beginning to get it started and going well and then at the end just to help it finish ferment out dry.

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