StarSan use - is this OK?

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wine newbee

Sep 12, 2019
Reaction score
My 1st time using the stuff, so .... I had my solution suds up when I rinsed my wine bottles; seems I've read that this is normal. Is it?

If so .... can I let the bottles air-dry (standing up), or should I use them right away? The suds won't be an issue?

When I make up a batch, can I store it in a glass container to use later?

Thx for any advice, info, anecdotes, etc ....

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StarSan users have a saying..."Don't fear the foam." I would stand them up and let the heavy foam drain out then you're good to go.
What I've noticed is that lots of the big, clingy bubbles get pushed out the mouth of the bottle as it is filled with wine leaving a little bit in the airspace between wine and cork that is filled with bubbles. I fill that they area filled with bubbles helps to sanitize the cork/glass junction. No issues bottling immediately after sanitizing with it.
Not sure what was said above but I use it for all my equipment that requires contact. I’ve been using it for years with no issues. Just make sure to wait at least 30 seconds for the magic to happen.