Straining the fruit

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Oct 22, 2010
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Hi all, Im not sure how to word his question but I will try my best, I have been making wine for a few months now and learning all the time but one thing I would like to learn a better method for is straining the fruit, I start by adding all my ingredients in a fermenting bucket and stir for the first few days but after a week I need to transfer the juice to the demijohn, I do this using another bucket and some muslin then when i have all the juice in the second bucket I use a funnel with more muslin and pour into demijohn. Is using muslin the best way or is there an easier way? plus I usually need help at this part holding the muslin and I find it clogs up too easy. I hope this makes sense, Thanks
Not sure what country you are from. So, if you have a paint store get the 5 gallon paint strainer bags. If thats not possible make a bag from cheese cloth or coarse muslin and put the fruit in it. When its "dry" (.990) rack via a siphon hose. DO NOT pour/splash rack into the secondary.
Welcome aboard!!!

I agree with Tom - I use 5 gallon paint strainers that i put my fruit in and then submerge it in the must. Then all i do is remove the straining back and rack the must.

If those are not available - then making a contraption like Tom indicated would be the way to go.
He is from around London, Tom. And yes the best way to do this is with some type of fruit bag. In the US we go to Home Depot, a hardware/lumber store that sells paint bags. If you can't get these, actually some members use pantyhose. And remember always sanitize first.

And Welcome to winemakingtalk.
He is from around London, Tom. And yes the best way to do this is with some type of fruit bag. In the US we go to Home Depot, a hardware/lumber store that sells paint bags. If you can't get these, actually some members use pantyhose. And remember always sanitize first.

And Welcome to winemakingtalk.

I don't use them in "any way" BUTT, if you would use panty hose PLEASE use NEW ones...:h:r:db:tz