Grape Expectations
I have a wine kit that says:
1. Add stabilizer and one (of 2) "Finings A" sachet. Wait 1 hour.
2. Add "Finings B" sachet. Wait 1 hour.
3. Add the other "Finings A" sachet and add-back flavouring.
This is about the 4th or 5th time making this same kit and it clears the wine in 24h.
This time I accidentally added all of "Finings A" with the stabilizer at the start. I saw a few people online say it doesn't matter about the order... but it does, at least for this kit. This wine 24h later has not cleared one iota. There isn't even a trace amount of sediment at the bottom of the bottles.
I guess the "A" stuff sets it up for the "B" stuff then the (albeit identical) addition of more "A" stuff does something to react with the other A+B parts. I don't know, I just know clearing this has gone totally wrong this time.
Another thing that's messed up this batch - I cleaned out a glass jar that had garlic paste in it. The jar was spotless and I put my add-back flavouring in it, because I planned to only stabilize/clear/flavour a 5L bottle at a time, to allow the others to carry on fermenting longer. Now the whole batch stinks and tastes of garlic, from a totally clean glass jar! Guess what... the jar itself now smells nice and fresh - yeah because all that garlic seeped out of the glass and into the flavouring. I thought this was why we used glass (not plastic) in the first place.
I then went online trying to find if anyone had put garlic in wine so I could convince myself it's drinkable haha
1. Add stabilizer and one (of 2) "Finings A" sachet. Wait 1 hour.
2. Add "Finings B" sachet. Wait 1 hour.
3. Add the other "Finings A" sachet and add-back flavouring.
This is about the 4th or 5th time making this same kit and it clears the wine in 24h.
This time I accidentally added all of "Finings A" with the stabilizer at the start. I saw a few people online say it doesn't matter about the order... but it does, at least for this kit. This wine 24h later has not cleared one iota. There isn't even a trace amount of sediment at the bottom of the bottles.
I guess the "A" stuff sets it up for the "B" stuff then the (albeit identical) addition of more "A" stuff does something to react with the other A+B parts. I don't know, I just know clearing this has gone totally wrong this time.
Another thing that's messed up this batch - I cleaned out a glass jar that had garlic paste in it. The jar was spotless and I put my add-back flavouring in it, because I planned to only stabilize/clear/flavour a 5L bottle at a time, to allow the others to carry on fermenting longer. Now the whole batch stinks and tastes of garlic, from a totally clean glass jar! Guess what... the jar itself now smells nice and fresh - yeah because all that garlic seeped out of the glass and into the flavouring. I thought this was why we used glass (not plastic) in the first place.
I then went online trying to find if anyone had put garlic in wine so I could convince myself it's drinkable haha