Strawberry Banana

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Senior Member
Oct 20, 2010
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Well i started my next batch this morning, Strawberry Banana made from juicy juice. (hopefully spring has not forgot us and we will have fresh fruit soon)
Has anyone tried this flavor before? hopefully I didn't pick a dud.
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That sounds good and funny thing is I just got done making myself a sundae with chocolate and banana's and was wishing I had strawberries. A treat I usually only make a few times a year.
Sounds like it would be good. Are you going to use a F-pac at the end to sweeten it with or leave it dry? What kind of yeast are you going to use I think I would use Lalvin K1-V1116 or maybe Cote De Blanc to try and retain as much fruit flavor as possible. Look forward to seeing how it goes.
I used red star champagne yeast, it's what I had on hand and I noticed that the number one juice listed in the Ingredients was apple juice. I'm not sure how they make apple taste like strawberries but they do! In my opinion an F-pack is a must for all fruit wines, I plan on just reducing a 1/2 gallon of juice to about a quart over the stove and I will end up back sweeting to 1.030 or there abouts.
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Strawberry is very powerfull in flavor and a small bit will go a long way.

In the end you will notice that in a mix juice wine the strawberry will be the most noticeable flavor.

I sre it will be good. I just spent a few minutes awhile ago on the Red Star websit. It has a lot of cool stuff on there.

I just bottled a strawberry banana.
12 lbs kirkland strawberries frozen.
5 lbs banana peeled
1 lbs banana peel
sg 1.085
5.5 Gallon batch
I did not use an F-pac, I back sweetened slightly. It is very light and nice. The strawberry is the most distinct flavor. I will use more strawberries next time to try and give it a little more body. It is very young 4.5 months.

Strawberry is very powerfull in flavor and a small bit will go a long way.

In the end you will notice that in a mix juice wine the strawberry will be the most noticeable flavor.


Luc is absolutely right. I made a strawberry (from Walkers) back in the spring that is so strong I cannot drink it as is. I did mix some with Rhubarb. I am trying to think of a grape wine that I could make to blend with this. Any suggestions would be appreciated like maybe a seyval or something. :a1

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