RJ Spagnols Strawberry Reisling

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Oct 25, 2010
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My RJS strawberry Reisling is clear and I took a sample. This stuff is tasty! I pumped up the sugar initially and added half the flavor pack in the beginning so I wound up only sweetening with half the flavor pack. I am glad I did! This is about as sweet as I would ever want to go on anything. My wife says it is sweet but not that sweet. This is going to be aswome once the warm weather hits.
Sounds like a real winner....just love strawberries..
I put half the f-pack in up front. I also added sugar to bring the SG up to 1.073. If I had to do it again I would put a little more of the fpack in up front. Perhaps 2/3 of it would go in day one. The wine came out rather sweet and lots of strawberry flavors.
Finished after sweetening? I didnt take that. I know when I started I had bumped it up to 1.085.
I have this kit to make soon. Are there any other tips I should know for this wine? It is our first kit to try and make.
this was practically my first kitas well. If this is your first then make sure you have all the stuff.I thought I had what I needed but it is just so useful to have an autosophon contraption, a wine thief, an sg tester, and the drill mounted degasser. Also a brew belt if your room is on the cool side.

Do you like sweet wine? If you make this according to the instructions then it will be sweet. My wife loves it ans says it is not that sweet! I think it is sweet. I only added half the flavor pack that has more sugar and strawberry flavor toward the end and it is still a sweet wine. I added half of the flavor pack up front. This allowed those sugars to be converted to alcohol and make the wine a little dryer. The best thing about this wine is that it is delightful to drink almost immediately. No need to age it or wait. Maybe it will get better with age but tobe honest it is so flippin tasty already I don't think it will make it through the spring. This is an excellent first wine to do. You will be able to impress people right away. I am a little reluctant to have you modify your first kit especially if you like it sweet. If I do this again I will put in 2/3 of the f pack in up front and add sugar (approx 4 pounds) to bring the SG up to 1.083 or abouts.
I think i will make this on my own,the party wines are great for the summer,my wife and the ladies she rides with love all of them
If you add sugar, be sure to dissolve it first and check your SG. as you add it....the 1.085 SG. is a very good number to shoot for....Good Luck

And Welcome to the forum..
Thanks, If I add sugar I will do that. I was thinking of adding 1/4 of the flavor packet upfront to keep it from being to sweet. Don't get me wrong I like sweet wines, but being a diabetic it is hard on my sugar. Then the wife says do not diviate from the instructions or I might screw it up.

Thanks for the welcome. Everyone has been very nice, and I look forward to making a lot of new friends.

If i might add this note if and when you do add sugar do it in the form of simple syrup,also i have found that the facts are strong enough to start your SG at 1.010,makes for a better wine finish and flavorful..when it comes time to add the fpac,remove a gallon of the wine add the fpac and slowly add the wine back to taste ,makes a more controlled product and a much rounded finish,,,,,,,think outside the box.............
My wife told me that I should not tweek the kit since it is our first kit. It is chugging along right now. I did not expect the the yeast to be 118 either.
Wvbrewer said:
I did not expect the the yeast to be 118 either.
EC-1118 is the most common yeast in a wine kit, andAFAIK, Spagnols only uses EC-1118.

I know you're a rookie at this, but why were you expecting a different yeast?

Sorry its my first kit. I hear people talking about other strains or brands all the time. I used 1118 before for a cider and I thought it would be to aggressive for wine.
Lalvin EC-1118 and Red Star Premier Cuvee are the most common yeasts used. they are this because they are the most fail safe and generally get the job done fast. It doesnt really mean they are the best though but these companies need to make sure their product does what they state as they guaranty it! These yeasts do a pretty good job though! Some other yeasts may bring out characteristics that may or may not be more what you are looking for though.

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