Stuck ferm

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Oct 5, 2014
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Hey guys. I've got a super Tuscan in the secondary with a stuck fermentation at 1.01. I've tried twice making a slurry out of EC – 1118 with warm water, sugar and some of the wine. After 12 hours it starts fizzing pretty well but then when I add it to the carboy nothing happens. I even tried racking to a bucket and back to carboy to inject a little oxygen.

Any thoughts or ideas of how I can get this thing started up again? I don't think I'm going to be happy with this one with the residual sugar still left.

Thanks in advance!
what was your starting sg? And take it out of the carboy and keep it in the fermenting bucket until you can get it going.
Possibility that the alcohol level may be too high already??? Ergo the beginning numbers please! Have some Nutrient/booster handy as well. Do not despair!!!
I believe that you are wasting your time in trying to restart the fermentation. continual adding yeast is only going to make the wine eventually undrinkable. the alcohol content is to high for a restart. I would suggest racking off of any gross lees. keep it at about 70 deg and see if it will finish off by itself. otherwise make another batch and blend.
Saw some small bubbles this morning around the rim after racking yesterday so hoping I can get a bit more fermentation out of it. If not, I will rack again, clear and bottle. (Or blend)
Have you taken a hydrometer reading? That is the only way you will know if it is fermenting. And again, get it out of the carboy that is one of the biggest reasons why stuck fermentation happens
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Starting SG was around 1.1 current SG is 1.01. I do see some small fizzies at the top of carboy but may move it back to the bucket tomorrow to keep it going.

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