Stupid mistake

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Dec 21, 2009
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Last week I started a new batch of apple cider wine. I bought the cider at a small local orchard. I glanced at the labels and noticed that it had a big warning about it not being pasteurized. But I failed to notice the fine print about the potassium sorbate they added as a preservative. No wonder there has been almost no fermentation. Is there anything I can do to salvage this batch? I've already tried adding another package of yeast.
You might try getting a starter going in another batch of apple juice. Even if it's store bought 100% juice without the sorbate. Get it going good and strong and swap it w/ a quart of so of the original must. Save the must to put back later or top up in secondary.

Whipping in some oxygen might help get things going too. Lots of stirring with a whisk maybe....

good luck.
It would depend upon how much sorbate was included in that. Are you sure it was potassium sorbate as other ingredients similar are often used.

Adding more yeast may work if the sorbate has been used on all the yeasts. A good starter would help if it were going to take off.

Best I can help you with.

I gave it a good stir to aerate before I added the second batch of yeast, but I didn't think of whisking it. Maybe splashing it back and forth between two buckets would help evaporate the sorbate.

The label said "Less than 0.1 of 1% potassium sorbate added." But who knows what was really in there.

I could give it one more try with a starter made with some frozen cider that I know for a fact is pure because I helped make it. I've been using Cotes de Blanc yeast, is there another yeast that might be hardier? I read on some post here that Montrachet was good for a stuck fermentation.