I've been a bit lax this year with the canning (or "jarring")
Peach salsa, dill pickles, fridge pickles, sour cherry jelly, black forest jelly, sour cherry-vanilla jelly, banana brown sugar butter with pecans, 4 citrus marmalade, strawberry jam, strawberry-lemon jam, strawberry-peach jam, spiced peach jam, crab apple juice, rhubarb juice, beets, and dilly beans so far. Tomatoes are just starting to ripen, so I started a roasted corn salsa today. Mmmmm so good!
Then it will be on to plum sauce, ketchup, apple sauce, roasted salsas, pickled peppers, tomato sauce, more dill pickles and beets, etc. Then the apple crush! Fresh apple cider is awesome. That should free up some room for more tomatoes in the freezer for the ketchup.
Plus I still have fruit left in the freezer from last year with my winemaking kind of being on pause right now. TBC on whether it will make it into a new batch or end up canned! (sorry - jarred).