RJ Spagnols Super Tuscan @ 4 months

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Jan 10, 2011
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Well I had to do it. I opened a bottle of my CC Super Tuscan to have with a nice steak last night. This wine is really good at only 4 months. I can't wait for it to age for 8 or 10 more months. Everyone needs to try this one.

Got an RJS WS Super Tuscan in "secondary" right now. Cost was $125.00 at my LHBS.

Is that 4 months bottle aging with no bulk aging?
Good to know. The super Tuscans get great reviews on here. Caused me to get an EP super Tuscan. It's been in clearing for about two weeks now. Got a long way to go
Deleted my question. I thought you meant Cellar Craft. I now understand (I think) that you mean RJS Cellar Classic. Sorry.
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RJS Cellar Classic is not a high-end kit like the Cellar Craft or WE Eclipse.
RJS Cellar Classic is not a high-end kit like the Cellar Craft or WE Eclipse.
Is that a question? Or a statement?

If a question, it certainly is, if its a statement, you couldn't be more wrong.

There are a number of people who would say this is one of the best if not the best available.

On November 18th, mine will be 2 years (7 months bulk, 5 months barrel, 1 yr bottle), and I couldn't be more excited.
I am just pointing out or clarifying the statement from the previous poster.
To my knowledge the RJS Cellar Classic is like the WE Selection series, both just one step below their bigger top of the line "brothers" (EP and Eclipse).

Is that incorrect?
I am just pointing out or clarifying the statement from the previous poster.
To my knowledge the RJS Cellar Classic is like the WE Selection series, both just one step below their bigger top of the line "brothers" (EP and Eclipse).

Is that incorrect?

WinExpert would like you to buy into that. IMO the RJS Winery Series lineup is equal to or better than the WE Eclipse line. The RJS EPs are only slightly improved over the RJS Winery Series.

In the end, there's no simple equation that says these are better than those. It's simply too subjective.
Yeah, I am pretty sure geek was responding to my post. I had confused the CC meaning Cellar Craft vs. Cellar Classic, and made a (therefore) stupid post that needed clarifying!
WinExpert would like you to buy into that. IMO the RJS Winery Series lineup is equal to or better than the WE Eclipse line. The RJS EPs are only slightly improved over the RJS Winery Series.

In the end, there's no simple equation that says these are better than those. It's simply too subjective.

How would you compare the Cellar Craft?
I have made the RJS Winery Series Super Tuscan and the RJS Winery Series Merlot both great wine, but the best wine I have made so far is the Cellar Craft Premium Pinot Noir (and the second kit is in the primary). :sm

You may ask how I compare a RJS Winery Series Super Tuscan and the RJS Winery Series Merlot with a Cellar Craft Premium Pinot Noir? It's simple, it's the one I like the best, and Merlot is my favorite wine. So go figure.:rdo:hug
Technically, an Eclipse kit should be a step up from a Winery Series kit just like the EP kits. It's pretty subjective, though, when you consider that there are only 5-6 red wine Eclipse kits available. The Winery Series kits have a solid reputation, and you certainly have more options available. Given the popularity of Super Tuscan kits, you'd think WE would have one (I think they used to).
Cellar Craft doesn't have a Super Tuscan either.
Technically, an Eclipse kit should be a step up from a Winery Series kit just like the EP kits. It's pretty subjective, though, when you consider that there are only 5-6 red wine Eclipse kits available. The Winery Series kits have a solid reputation, and you certainly have more options available. Given the popularity of Super Tuscan kits, you'd think WE would have one (I think they used to).

so what's your opinion on Cellar Craft Showcase?
so what's your opinion on Cellar Craft Showcase?

I've only made a Red Mountain Cab and a Yakima Chardonnay, but both are very good wines. The Cab in particular is probably the best red I've made so far. Availability is a big problem, though, unless you order the kits online. People like the Rosso Fortissimo Super Tuscan blend almost as much as the WS Super Tuscan, and I think there are people who would argue that the CC Showcase Amarone is the best of the Amarone.

I haven't made an Eclipse red (yet, though the new Shiraz is tempting), but I wouldn't have a problem recommending either the top line RJS or CC Showcase red kits to someone.
That's 4 months from the start. I started this kit in June and planned to bulk age. I bottled it last month cause I needed the carboy. I'm going to have to hide these somewhere.

Four months from the start! Sounds like a little patience and in a bit of time you'll have yourself a fantastic wine.

Got an RJS WS Super Tuscan in "secondary" right now. Cost was $125.00 at my LHBS.

Is that 4 months bottle aging with no bulk aging?
I had planned to bulk age this kit but I needed the carboy. It aged in the carboy 2 months and in bottles 2 months. I will probably regret bottling this soon. I need to hide these somewhere.
I had planned to bulk age this kit but I needed the carboy. It aged in the carboy 2 months and in bottles 2 months. I will probably regret bottling this soon. I need to hide these somewhere.

From the education I've been getting here I'm pretty sure that bottle aging will do the trick. The two months bulk aging you did was probably enough to insure no sediment in the bottles and a chance for more CO2 to boil off.