Syrah label

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Wade E

Jul 3, 2006
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This is for the batch thay has just finished fermenting and will be racked this weekend.
Edited by: wade
Nice. I've read through the label forum several times and I do like all of the labels you make.

You should make up some new ones and send them to George to update what he has in his online catalog. I think he's had the same ones for a couple of years now. Perhaps you could get a commision for each one sold??? Based on what I've seen from you, I'dmost likelybuy some myself.
I will ask him if he is interested in some new 1's but i would never charge him for anything as he gives us so much, Ill look into making up some blank designs that could be filled in and see if he would offer them to wine makers. Great idea.
Now there's a nice label! I really like the warmth of this one!
Thank you. I always have to make the label while it in primary or i feel like I am slacking off!
LOL You think that's bad? I started a label for a Shiraz before I even ordered it!

It arrives Tuesday!

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