Tart Cherry Pink Pee

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Agitation, without introducing oxygen. The handle of a long-handled spoon works, but is tedious. Many types of drill attachments work. I made one from a plastic coat hanger. Reverse directions every 10 or 20 seconds to prevent creating a vortex. A vacuum works even better, if you happen to have access to one. This is Skeeter Pee, it's known to be very gassy, it's also known to be a quick drinker. You shouldn't need to put it away for a year, but of course some people do, if they have something to drink in the meantime, right @hounddawg?
they make i forget the web site but i got to find it mine is wore out, it is a 1/4" 304 stainless steel rod, that has 2 plastic folding wings that will fit in a carboy the bottom of the stirrer has a rubber short tube so the metal never touches the carboy, the top has a small drilled universel bung to protect the neck of your carboy, if i can find the site i will post it here, it works great,
they make i forget the web site but i got to find it mine is wore out, it is a 1/4" 304 stainless steel rod, that has 2 plastic folding wings that will fit in a carboy the bottom of the stirrer has a rubber short tube so the metal never touches the carboy, the top has a small drilled universel bung to protect the neck of your carboy, if i can find the site i will post it here, it works great,
Dawg is talking about something like this:

But this works too:
Dawg is talking about something like this:
View attachment 64856

But this works too:
View attachment 64857
exactly, i have both, and i have also long ago took a plastic clothes hanger, cut one end on the straight bottom rod, then on other end cut around the curve so it looks like a J all work to degass quickly using a drill / cordless
Dawg is talking about something like this:
View attachment 64856

But this works too:
View attachment 64857
homebrewohio.com dang @KCCam YOU SAVED ME SO MUCH TROUBLE FINDING THE REPLACEMENT BLADES, , since we are polar opposites from now on YOU GET TO BE THE HORSES HEAD AND I AM THE HORSES BUTT, thank you my friend it was 6 years ago that i bought that stirrer, but i had forgotten where i got mine at, all the others the blades wont fit mine, but i got my replacement blades on the way, i was only kidding about you being a mountie. :i , naw no **** man, Thank You
dang @KCCam ... since we are polar opposites ...
We both like making wine. We both like drinking it. We both like sharing it. I don't think we're so polar opposite as you think.

i was only kidding about you being a mountie. :i
Hey, I took that as a complement! My dad's an ex-cop, and there has never been a finer one. Guys he put away, bought him beers after they got out.

naw no **** man, Thank You
You're welcome. Kinda weird how a quick search I did sparked something that got you something you've been looking for. Glad I could help.
Yes, not that there is much, fermenting dry means a thin finish that drops most fines quickly and whats left will be enough to give that slight bitter you get from fresh squeezed lemons.
ok first @KCCam can tell you i aint right, but on my skeeter pee ports, i use either K1V-1116 OR EC-1118, BUT I start with one or 2 bottles of 32 oz lemon concentrate, add sugar to a SSG of 1.040, as the ferment goes along i step feed my must with yeast energizer and yeast nutrients when my SG drops to 1.000, i add sugar, nutrients, energizer back to 1.040. and i repeat over and over till it finally finishes at FSG of 1.040, now if you like drier, then pick your SG number and use that reading to step feed your SKEETER PEE , now that it is done fermenting then i add 4 ore bottles of lemon juice concentrate so i am 1 bottle of concentrate per gallon of water, and your ABV will be between 18 ABV to 20 ABV, alright you mix it well with your drill, then rack into a carboy and smaller jugs, that allows you to top up at every racking, when completely clear zero sediment/lees, then rack every for SP 3 weeks, then when i ready to bottle i take a 6.5 gallon carboy, i pour a fifth of 190 proof PGA/EVERCLEAR/GEM CLEAR, Then i rack my skeeter pee into that carboy, and stirr, then i bottle, you'll get the tart without leaving sediment/lees in your wine bottles, but i warn you, if you make it like i do, never drive or do dangerous things, and warn anyone before you give them a glass or a bottle, because you will have ambush lemonade, taste old fashioned, but kicks harder than a mule, and a easy drinker, both lemon and pineapple both will hide very high alcohol content,
We both like making wine. We both like drinking it. We both like sharing it. I don't think we're so polar opposite as you think.

Hey, I took that as a complement! My dad's an ex-cop, and there has never been a finer one. Guys he put away, bought him beers after they got out.

You're welcome. Kinda weird how a quick search I did sparked something that got you something you've been looking for. Glad I could help.
frist, by saying polar opposites it is my way of joking, yes i'm weird,,lol
second, god bless your dad, i'm the oldest of 4 boys, my brother just under me became the county investigator, i was like man you'll ruin my reputation, but i got told by everybody, your brother is as straight as you can be, but when he stops someone he'd tell them two things dont lie to me and i will help you all i can, um light stuff like drinking and smoking weed, but you lie to me i'll shove a ball bat up you A sideways and do all i can to send you down or as big a fine as possible, i'm like WTF my party friends were thanking me, dang, then iraq hit, he was 3 months from retirement in the guard, he was in the first wave into baghdad. fort apache , they give them tokens, they call coins, all but one was in his footlocker, one in his pocket, it is bent and scratched seen much abuse, it went every step with him, when he came home he passed out them footlocker stored coins to the family, he had me walk into the woods with him, then he pulled that bent,scratch coin shaped like a arrow head, he said i have carried this coin , day and night from my first day of combat till right now, richie here is your coin he never went back to law enforcement, he said he'd seen all the death i can handle,, , i have nothing in my life as valuable as that coin, so yes i know your pride too. i feel we are much alike, but like at my parents i'll tell mom i love her, i'll tell dad i uset to love him long ago, he laughs and says that at least he loves my dog,,,, here is me in a nutshell, if i tease someone, and joke with them then you'll know i like you, if i am straight faced polite and no joking, well them people had better be praying, i have learned on here that most vinters are way to serious, but you can't count the PM's i get from people on here i've never talked to, nothing, but they PM me and say your different but you add color to this forum, thank you, THAT MAKE ME FEEL GOOD, to know i gave someone a smile or a laugh,
Clearly I have been doing it wrong!
I have always beat gassy wine with a stainless whip, which of course introduces oxygen...

I guess that would explain some oxidation issues I have had.
Clearly I have been doing it wrong!
I have always beat gassy wine with a stainless whip, which of course introduces oxygen...

I guess that would explain some oxidation issues I have had.
The stainless whip is fine while fermentation is active, as yeast needs oxygen. Once it gets close to completion tho you have to start being more careful about oxygen.
Clearly I have been doing it wrong!
I have always beat gassy wine with a stainless whip, which of course introduces oxygen...

I guess that would explain some oxidation issues I have had.
yes as @KCCam said, and you need to add 1/4 tsp of potassium metabisulfite per 6 gallons to stop oxidation, oh, that site is homebrewohio.com , they sell the stirrer and the replacement blades, 10/15 seconds each direction, make sure your blades are toward the bottom of carboy and never make a vortex in your wine, although i use mine only to stir in dry sugar or 190 proof grain alcohol, no need for sleeping pills,
i think i just wrote this but i just awoke, insomniac

wine bottle free shipping if order is $50 or more, $15 to $20 a case average

the stirred and replacement blades,
thanks to @KCCam,
now a days they many styles, i was looking for my exact model to obtain replacement blades that fit, he posted that model on amazon, at amazon i backtracked to the original site, which still sell the exact blades i needed, i'd found many stirrers , but i wanted mine, lol, i am a bit of, if it works don't change, yeah the others work the same, but hey half to two third of this forum know i aint right, hey @KCCam how's my commas and periods? i'm trying, man i'd be lost if not for @sour_grapes, @KCCam and a few others, see i deliberately avoid anything i can that aint ole country hillbilly,
hey @KCCam how's my commas and periods?
You know, Dawg, I've read enough of your posts now that my brain just puts the punctuation in where it's supposed to be. It's kind of like learning to understand someone that speaks with a very heavy accent. Once I hear them say a word I don't understand, and learn what that word is, the next time they say it, my brain just knows what it is and I don't think about it. It didn't even occurred to me that your commas and periods have changed at all, but looking at that message, you're right. Don't try changing on my account, but others might understand what you're saying better. Haha. You do realize though, that your last post doesn't have a single period in it, right? 🤣 Oh, wait, I'm wrong... you put "homebrewohio.com" -- that has a period! 😁
i went to my parents today, 77 & 87, they were watching daniel boone, mom ask me. do you wish you lived back then, i was like heck yes, she frowned and said your just like your dad, i ask her when was i going to meet him, dad almost fell outta his recliner laughing, the look on moms face, sent me packing, lol dads as squirrely as i am,, lol
likes short, enjoy it as you see fit, as long as no one else's life ain't bothered,
You know, Dawg, I've read enough of your posts now that my brain just puts the punctuation in where it's supposed to be. It's kind of like learning to understand someone that speaks with a very heavy accent. Once I hear them say a word I don't understand, and learn what that word is, the next time they say it, my brain just knows what it is and I don't think about it. It didn't even occurred to me that your commas and periods have changed at all, but looking at that message, you're right. Don't try changing on my account, but others might understand what you're saying better. Haha. You do realize though, that your last post doesn't have a single period in it, right? 🤣 Oh, wait, I'm wrong... you put "homebrewohio.com" -- that has a period! 😁
BTW i have a very deep baritone southern accent, your starting to worry me, you ain't got a long range drone do you, and nope i did not notice that i had only one period, and i am having fun with you on my grammar, lol,....,, oops or lack thereof..... oh here's a extra for you, ???bahwaaaa??!!!!!!!