Temp control

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ibglowin said:

I just fixed your link. We are all having problems posting links from the FVW Website. Its the HTML coding behind the site and the way it works that makes it so difficult.

it wasnt my link-- my original post was edited so george wouldnt get fussy-- im not a customer of georges. i have a wine supply store 1/2 mile from my house but every time i mention the "W" word i get rdited to keep george happy. i guess i'm the only person who shops the web for diferent pricibg lol lol
Scotty while George likes customers he doesn't edit the links or censor them. He rarely even has time to get on the forum anymore. As ibglowin said, it is an ongoing problem where we link to a product and it brings up a pail of juice.
appleman said:
Scotty while George likes customers he doesn't edit the links or censor them. He rarely even has time to get on the forum anymore. As ibglowin said, it is an ongoing problem where we link to a product and it brings up a pail of juice.

look i dont want to argue-- im here for enjoyment. the original link that i posted was to a supplier that i bought the stat from 2 years ago. i also recieved a few pms about why my posts are edited. you may not know about it but it has been done to me a few times. i dont mind because policy is policy and i have a great deal of respect those carying out policy. i just think it is rediculous to be told to edit posts because the words whiskey or distilling are in them.i have nothing to hide
I edited this post as this site is owned by George so providing free advertising to competitors is not allowed! Now if they want to pay George for people providing links to their site then thats up to George but I highly doubt he would like that. Sorry about the link I provided to the same item George selling not working, I just havent figured out how to fix that as Im not hugely computer savvy.
The thermostat in question will not work for the cold winter weather. If you set it to provide power to the fridge when the temp in the freezer rises to, say, 25F then the power to the fridge will come on at that point. That, however, doesn't change the fact that the fridge side is still cold enough that the internalthermostat in fridge side still keeps thecompressor from working.

To make it work you need a heat source on the fridge side. A 60 watt light bulb should do it. That keeps the fridge side warm enough that when the external thermostat calls for cooling the compressor will run.
So 60 watt bulb placed in the fridge, sorta near the thermocouple. Will give it a try this Winter!
Yea, it has to stay on to provide some heat so the fridge/freezer will try and cool itself. Remember we are talking about a side by side fridge in an unheated garage, in the Winter where temps get down as low as -10 and average highs are only in the 20-30 degree range.