I haven't added any pictures so as they say it didn't happen. But I will add my 2 cents. I don't use parchment paper anymore. It is impregnated with silicone which is likely 100 percent safe but I can't wrap my head around using it. I do 2 loaves at a time. Both rest overnight in the fridge in bannetons. Then, out of the fridge, they warm up and rise a bit for the morning or afternoon. I then preheat my dutch oven for roughly an hour. Right before it's time to put a loaf in the oven I dump the loaf upside down onto a thin plywood base/tray that is the same size as the interior of the dutch oven and is covered with a bunch of cornmeal. I score the loaf and then put the dutch oven onto the stovetop. I then slide the loaf into the hot dutch oven, put the lid on and throw it back into the oven. This has been working really well for me though I will admit sometimes the loaf gets squished a bit on entry. One other point, I make sourdough so the rising and proofing process is longer and more extended. Cheers.