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She wanted the little 'tweet tweet' birds... She got more than she bargained for
More like little "treat treat" birds -- treats for the owls, I mean!

Since it is on topic for this thread -- like your new avatar, Manley. The old one seriously creeped me out! :D
Speaking of creeping, it looks like the fox is pushing the sour grape farther away. Does that mean you are getting sweeter as time goes on????????
As the fox continues to show itself more, I had an epiphany! This avatar really belongs to JohnT! The Fox symbolizes the wine in the glass and bottle - wine in all it's foxy glory - Welch's best - the Concord!!!!!!!!! Keep expounding the qualities of it Paul and John will beg to adopt your avatar!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
As the fox continues to show itself more, I had an epiphany! This avatar really belongs to JohnT! The Fox symbolizes the wine in the glass and bottle - wine in all it's foxy glory - Welch's best - the Concord!!!!!!!!! Keep expounding the qualities of it Paul and John will beg to adopt your avatar!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

Foxy? Are you using that as another word for "stank"?

at any rate.....

You ought to know by now that you can not "out-fox" me!
Are you using the metal detector while on the beach? I would love to use one of them around here as there are lots of items from the French and Indian Wars, Revolutionary War and the War of 1812. I have found coins and buttons before just while digging. In school friends of mine that were scuba divers found a few shipwrecks from battles on Lake Champlain. They recovered a few canons before the state laid claim to all those items.

Here is a small online article about the incident that took place where the French dumped their cannons and so forth before sinking their boats to retreat

and here is an excerpt

Much of the armament from the vessels had wisely been thrown overboard. Vessels could be raised, it was another thing to locate and raise guns from the depths. For another 209 years, these guns would lay hidden in the channel between Crab Island and the high cliffs of the New York shore.
Recovery of the artifacts
Finally, in September 1968, three young divers found the cannons along with several anchors, a large swivel gun, muskets and a saber. Unfortunately, some of the artifacts did not receive necessary treatment for their preservation after such a long period in the lake. The muskets and the saber were severely damaged as a result. The swivel gun was eventually placed in the Clinton County Historical Museum. One of the impressive cannons is on display at Clinton County Community College on Bluff Point in Plattsburgh. The other resides at the Crown Point State Historical Site.4
As the fox continues to show itself more, I had an epiphany! This avatar really belongs to JohnT! The Fox symbolizes the wine in the glass and bottle - wine in all it's foxy glory - Welch's best - the Concord!!!!!!!!! Keep expounding the qualities of it Paul and John will beg to adopt your avatar!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

Well, not exactly. Here is the most definitive thing I have had to say on the topic

In all seriousness John, it was indeed big of you to make that concession about Welch's wine being, you know, wine and all.

For the record, I have not had Welch's wine yet, so I am not in the pro- or anti- camp yet. However, I recently did have some Concord (or was it Catawba?) wine that I could not finish. :s

The fox, of course, comes from Aesop:

The Fox and the Grapes

ONE hot summer’s day a Fox was strolling through an orchard till he came to a bunch of Grapes just ripening on a vine which had been trained over a lofty branch. “Just the things to quench my thirst,” quoth he. Drawing back a few paces, he took a run and a jump, and just missed the bunch. Turning round again with a One, Two, Three, he jumped up, but with no greater success. Again and again he tried after the tempting morsel, but at last had to give it up, and walked away with his nose in the air, saying: “I am sure they are sour.”
Grapeman...I do not metal detect the beach, it gets detected everyday at about sunrise....
The guys there find some change, a few rings, sometimes a watch, but not much.
I did get permission today from the land owner thats about 100 yards from this marker.

There is a stand of huge old water oaks, i hope that maybe something may be there around the trees..going there tomorrow while at the farm.

I found a good picture of an *ahem* actual pig corkscrew - - but I don't think I'll post it here.
You mean this sort of thing, but in the flesh?
Um . . . you can find anything on the inter webs.

By the way, what do pigs and ducks have in common? ;)