The only constant is change.....

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It is not blurry, lol, just didn't know what it was!
You guys are killing me. I'm beginning to wonder who I am? Everyday someone has me a new avatar. LOL

Changing Avatars faster than the speed of:
Boy, you don't know if you are coming or going do you? ROFLMAO

You are a Genius! It took me a while to get it..

First I though the toilet cup was another slant on Welch's humor, but then I saw the tab to the tea bag...

.. John + Tea .. or johnT.
I never laughed so or and felt so stupid (both at the same time)!

going to keep this one for a while I think!

Thanks Again Avatar Sniper!
OMG this site was a disaster and very slow this morning and I had to get to work. The post wouldn't go and I kept clicking on it. Finally I just shut 'er down. Well I guess they went through. What ever happen to it deleting duplicate posts. Now to find the culprit that added the pictures to my posts! I'm thinking he doesn't have enough work to do in his vineyard.

Really?? Are u referring to my horse? Lol is it blurry? I can't tell from my phone!

Thus funny! Is it because it's so small in the avatar?? I should post it to be clear lol!
ImageUploadedByWine Making1394651304.766534.jpg

Sure hope it looks like a horse now?? Lol so how can I make my avatar bigger??

OMG this site was a disaster and very slow this morning and I had to get to work. The post wouldn't go and I kept clicking on it. Finally I just shut 'er down. Well I guess they went through. What ever happen to it deleting duplicate posts. Now to find the culprit that added the pictures to my posts! I'm thinking he doesn't have enough work to do in his vineyard.

OMG! where did you find that crazy scientist?? LOL it's just getting better and better!

Try resizing your picture to 200 x 200 pixels and see how that is.