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Mezza luna white

Sangiovese move forward

Were going to lock this sangiovese into the two other threads are running that would be the mascot and the amarone so that you can see all three processes at one time====== stay tuned :wy


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This is a project inspired from Joeswine Sangiovese. I had just started a WE Mezza Luna white kit the day before I saw his thread so it was a great time to try adding some white raisins. Since I can never leave well enough alone, I decided to add some Plumeria flowers that I had growing in my yard. They are not a real strong scent and I think they will add just a little to the bouquet. I'm going to try and post some pics of the progress.
I let it run it's course int he primary bucket according to directions on the kit. Starting with a 1.10 and ending with a 1.01 SG. Then added the raisins, tannin and flowers when I transferred it to the 2ndary. I was so excited to get it going, I forgot to add the raisins prior to transferring it to the carboy, so I had to put it back in the primary and start over. (thats why it looks like I'm going backwards) On day 2 I have bubble action!
This is my first kit wine and I probably should have done it as directed. But it tasted a little light to me so I wanted to try and a little something.
Day 4 and not much has changed. Not getting any bubbles, but as per the kit, this is normal.

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Just thought I would update the progress of this WE Mezza Luna White.
The grapes have been sitting in the carboy for 10 days now. Although it is time to rack and treat with the given chems, I have to hold off for a few days. Seems no one in my area (there is ONE brew store in a 100 mile radius) carries Super Kleer as recommended by Joeswine. So I have to find some in the big cities over the holiday weekend.
Here are a few pics though to show the progress.
I have a concern. The F-pac that came with the kit had some of the foil fro the bag liner loose in the bag. I could see the holes in the foil and the contents of the liquid. The replacement I got from the vendor also has one. Is this common and is it safe if I filter out the foil pieces?


finally a almond wine that could take a second place at 2 years old, but where going to take this one even higher, just watch.:mny
actually the base is a Californian fruit forward Chardonnay perfectly match wine with an aroma fill almond extract and what a taste.this is and will be a desert wine winner ...

What a great pairing! Can't wait to hear this does. Sounds quite balanced.
Time to update! After 3 weeks from beginning the process of transforming my WE Mezza Luna White into something more tasty and more personalized with the help of Joeswine, it is time to strain the raisins, stabilize and start clearing. To recap: This is a project inspired from Joeswine Sangiovese. I had just started a WE Mezza Luna white kit the day before I saw his thread so it was a great time to try adding some white raisins. Since I can never leave well enough alone, I decided to add some Plumeria flowers that I had growing in my yard. They are not a real strong scent and I think they will add just a little to the bouquet.

I let it run it's course in the primary bucket according to directions on the kit. Starting with a 1.10 and ending with a 1.01 SG. Then added the raisins, tannin and flowers when I transferred it to the 2ndary.

It is now dry at .992 and looking very nice. I racked down to a 5 gal leaving the raisins behind. Added the sorbate, kmeta and Super-Kleer. (Joes preference, which I now see why). Also did a some degassing. I can't believe how it is starting to clear after only one one hour!
Although I have not made this kit, or any kit for that matter, I have no doubt the raisins have made it heavenly. Even before adding the fPac, it is full of body and almost a buttery mouthfeel. I am really excited to see how this plays out. I'm not even sure I will add the fpac. It's that darn good.









Lori, i am lost in this thread partially becuase of my high octane pineapple wine i bottled for give me,if im wrong.
always add super kleer after either fpack are simple syrup, flavoring, etc.
sometimes it does not work as it is suppose to using there directions..I have a battle going on with them now for that purpose..
your wine looks great...
will be in rockport for the hummer festival...would you trade a wine with me...
Lori, i am lost in this thread partially becuase of my high octane pineapple wine i bottled for give me,if im wrong.
always add super kleer after either fpack are simple syrup, flavoring, etc.
sometimes it does not work as it is suppose to using there directions..I have a battle going on with them now for that purpose..
your wine looks great...
will be in rockport for the hummer festival...would you trade a wine with me...

I am doing this kit from a WE Eclipse. I have been also working with Joeswine on this since i got the idea from him adding raisins to his Sangiovese. Now, my kit says to add the fpac at the same time as insinglass which was provided. However, Joe recommended using Super Kleer instead of the insinglass and waiting till it clears to add the fpac.

Since I'm a newbie, I'm just kind of doing what I was told. (he has medals, I don't) I have high hopes for this white. I'll say this, after just 24 hours it is really clear already.

So you're coming to the Hummer festival? I missed it last year and hope I can get over there this year. If you want to trade bottles, I don't have anything bottled yet. Will a nice Trader Joes Shiraz be ok? :)
reasons and patients

Although the instructions call for Lori to add the fpac and clear ,what were doing is side stepping that and doing what I call a pre-clearing, once she is crystal clear she then can add the chems REASONING,she will be adding a fpac it should be a clear wine,putting it into a finished product will give her the advantage to bottle now or allow it to settle out, macerate and become delicious ,it would be the same as me putting unfinished wine into a refrigerator and allowing a cold soak to remove the trash from the wine, only in her case no refrigerator required.:i
Aw darn it Joe!
I was hoping to use this as an excuse to buy a new freezer so I could modify the old chest freezer into a wine fridge. ;)

Here's a clearing shot. Thought I would take one more before I head out to Houston for a few days.

super kleer is a quick ***, I've been using it for some time and not looking $1.99 a package it is a winner.
I follow the directions on the package (actually a 2 small pack combo).
To recap what is happening in the transformation of this Eclipse Mezza Luna White kit. This is a project inspired from Joeswines' Sangiovese. (That project can be found in another thread: post #394.) He has been graciously helping me and holding my hand through this adventure with my first wine kit.
I had just started a WE Mezza Luna white kit the day before I saw his thread. The kit tasted a little light to me so I wanted to try and a little something. Joes raisin booster made perfect since. After the primary fermentation, I added a pound of white raisins. Since I can never leave well enough alone, I decided to add some Plumeria flowers that I had growing in my yard. They are not a real strong scent and I think they will add just a little to the bouquet.

I let it run it's course in the primary bucket according to directions on the kit. Starting with a 1.10 and ending with a 1.01 SG. Then added the raisins, tannin and flowers when I transferred it to the 2ndary.
Below is a picture diary of where we sit so far. I am hoping to be able to add the fpac and bottle it next week. I may let it bulk age a couple of weeks first if I can resist tying up the carboy that much longer.










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Here we are on the last week of tweaking process on my Wine Expert Eclipse Mezza Luna White. I have waited for it to clear from the addition of the kmeta, sorbate and super kleer. Yesterday I racked it again and added the Isinglass, stirred for a couple of minutes then added the fpac and stirred for about 15 mins more because it was still a little gassy. SG went from .992 before fpac to just over 1.01. The wine was pretty dry before the fpac but still has an nice mouthfeel. It is now a little sweeter as I would expect but i think it will all come together and age out very nicely in the next couple of months.




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Lori, what does the fpack consists of in that kit?
did you chop your raisins up Lori, Just wondering if they would give more flavor chopped. thanks for the thread. I have the Wine Expert Mezza Luna White in my shopping cart. I made the Winexpert Vintners Reserve Shiraz and used 2 bottles of my blackNBlue as a Fpack. It worked out really well. Be ready to crack open a bottle after the new year

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