Wine Trio

Today I am going to start three different wines, the first is a coffee port, the second is piña colada and the third is a Cosmo .

All of these wines will be made with the same yeast for the coffee port is EC 1118, for the piña colada EC 1118 , for the Cosmo, it is EC 1118 also , I you want to go back and take a look at when good wines have gone bad . What I just wrote about yeast and why the EC 1118 is the most widely used especially forget manufacturers it gives us a low operating temperature helps with stuck fermentation helps with heavy sediment in the wine makes compact lees, once again the safety zone . That is why I say to you . Sometimes the yeast that comes with the kits is always the best yeast that particular wine style that you are making , however in all three of these kits . They have one common factor , . They all have an F and they all have a wine base . So the trick here is to follow the process watcher temperatures and have a hydrometer and kn know how to read. Always ask try not to guess .

When doing right now side just washed my three fermentation tubs with one step, let them soak for 15 min.members of amount and start on the wine base.

So here I sit waiting for my three fermenters to get over the 10 minute watch with six counts of one some step, I looked over at the labeling tub and said self if I get those out of that bucket. Get ready for the final rinse watch add the 24 more that I have get them ready then I will be able to put the one step back into it and recycle once the and water, why waste 18 gallons of hot sanitize water .
So now I can continue to start the base wine .

Coffee port/ SG 1.20 if you take that reading and translate that and alcohol I am around 17% .. to the top and my hanging tag , which indicates the style of wine the specific gravity and the date also the kit manufacturer serial number . coffee port is on its way .

Cosmo wine, SG 1.10 I boost the alcohol one this just attack I know the fpac will handle be added alcohol without any problems have made this kid about half a dozen times now , added the hanging tag date and manufacturer serial number SG.......... Ready t go .......

piña colada of this wine. I have made an a half-dozen times, my better half loves it soda or girlfriends once again were using the same yeast EC 1118 ............ SG at 1. 10

It will be interesting to see. The differences and the wine making techniques of us who are making this kit at the same time I intend at the coffee beans mine . I also boost the specific gravity of . All three kids I know that the F pack can handle it I finish . then maybe trade or swap and compare be very cool ....