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Aug 15, 2006
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I'll bottle about a year from now. I was afraid I wouldn't have enough time to make the label for it!
I'm thinking of picking enough strawberries to make a wine next year. I can't let you two show me up now can I. So I am making a label in anticipation of making that wine. I have eaten a few too many strawberry shortcakes this year so I might need to start a new winery- Phat Farm Winery!

Here is my label! Pretty good huh.
Sorry Joan- I needed a little inspiration so I borrowed it!

It the wine is half as good as the freezer jam I made from the leftover strawberries, it should be great! The berries were sweet and delish! It smells like heaven in a bucket!
What is your recipe Joan? I think I will need to start a batch of Strawberry. I have been brining home some of the strawberries I have been picking at Willboro. We have a ton of them frozen now and I am being told to "Back Off" from bringing more home to freeze. They are really tasty fresh picked berries and I have a hard time turning them down. Where else can you get paid to pick berries and then get to bring them home. I picked 36 quarts today. The raspberries are starting to turn a little now- so I will soon have some of them too.
This is what I used:

<a name="Strawberry_Wine">Strawberry

4 - 4 1/2 lbs. Strawberries

1 Gallon Water

2 lbs. Sugar

1 tsp. Acid Blend

1/8 tsp. Tannin

1/2 tsp. Peptic Enzyme

1 tsp. Yeast Nutrient

1 Campden Tablet

1 pack Cote's de Blanc Yeast

Wash and remove the stems and leaves. Use a straining bag and fill with the
strawberries. Tie the top, commence to crushing and mashing. Leave straining
bag in the bucket. Add water, sugar, acid blend (do test), tannin, peptic,
enzyme, and yeast nutrient. Stir well. Before you add the yeast, you will need
to sterilize the must. Crush up one campden tablet and add to the must. Stir
and cover for 24 hours. Now you may add the yeast. Stir well, cover, and stir
every day for 4-5 days. Then siphon into your 1 gallon jug, put rubber stopper
on and airlock. Siphon every 2 weeks and add 1 crushed campden tablet every
time you rack. It will take about 2-3 months before your wine is clear enough
to bottle. You can make more than just 1 gallon if you just multiply out the
recipe to however many gallons you want to make. I pack of yeast will work well
for 5-7 gallons.

I didn't add that much water as I got a lot of juice from my berries. I didn't I add that much sugar either. I didn't need to as the local berries are especially sweet this year.
That looks like a good flavorful one. I guess Thursday I may have to start up a batch since I will be picking again then.
I dont think you have to add a campden tablet every 2 weeks. I would not add any k-meta till your wine has finished fermenting either. Im sure you meant afer your wine was done fermenting though. I also think every 2 weeks is a little often to be racking.

Edited by: wade

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