While I would prefer to keep my wine in an alternative storage vessel such as stainless or even poly tanks like Als, I have to work with what I have presently. I don't rush my wine to bottles, but remember I make wine from grapes. I do use carboys and airlocks. I still have virtually all last falls wines in carboys at this point. The whites are very close to bottling, but the reds will be there until at least August. I rely on airlocks, but I don't worry about them. I monitor them also every couple days and have never had one pop out like I have had several solid bungs do. I monitor them to make sure they aren't getting low and can even note air pressure changes as the water level is either positive or negative.
I begin storage with k-meta in the airlock, then switch to vodka as the temps get cold. I then switch back to k-meta towards spring. I change the water out every few months, but that isn't really a chore, it is part of the process. I do it when I am doing another operation on the wine. For the whites, I change it at times like racking off lees and then again after cold stabilizing. I also add needed S02 at those points, so the airlock is off anyways- just dump it out and fill back up with fresh. The reds get it before put to sleep after mlf dies down in the fall and again after waking up in the spring to finish mlf.
My point is, that anything will work when properly monitored and maintained and not locked away or forgotten (like poor Smurfe).